Wellness Accessories

Conventional practices in medicine may have reached dizzying new heights today with the possibilities of organ transplants and gene therapy, but the trend of reaching out to alternative medicine among people is becoming increasingly popular by the day. This is partly due to the rise of incurable or hard-to-treat diseases among people who have found no hope in modern medicine and partly due to the hard-to-ignore benefits that alternative medicine has shown on other people who have tried it and have become healthier as a result. People who had been unsuccessfully fighting serious illnesses like cancer for years using conventional methods such as chemotherapy found significant improvements when they decided to try Vitamin C infusions instead.

Alternative medicine encompasses a lot more than the usual massage therapy and acupuncture. It includes a wide variety of treatments such as dietary supplements, herbal preparations, megadose vitamins, magnet therapy as well as spiritual healing accompanied with yoga. Ayurveda and Chinese medicine have aptly demonstrated how the body can be healed using substances readily available in nature. Other techniques involving mind-body interventions such as meditation and mental healing continue to reinforce the practicality of alternative medical practices and are attracting more people each day towards them.

Wellness Accessories Articles by Drprem.com offers guide on yoga accessories & equipment such as yoga mats, hot yoga, yoga props, accessories and more.

Buying a yoga mat gives some beginner yoga practitioners so much of joy just like it feels buying new pair of sneakers for your everyday walk. Being beginners most of the people do not know […]


Yoga is all about doing right asana and poses. With the passing time, one grows with yoga and attains the flexibility that is required. It is a little tough for beginners to maintain the flexibility


Yoga has become very popular in both the oriental and western countries. It is actually an ancient Indian method of keeping fit and maintaining the balance among body, mind and spirit. For practicing yoga, one


Yoga mats are commercially marketed to be used while doing exercises. They of course are soft and hygienic; however, they can contain high amounts of chemicals that can be hazardous to health. Right from serious


Pregnancy is the time when exercising is necessary to keep the body flexible and less stressful. You do not have to rush to the nearest gym to do so. Some DVDs give you the right

Yoga is an ancient method that originated in India thousands of years ago. Yogis, people who practice yoga, have to be careful about their lifestyle choices. Due to their habit of practicing yoga postures everyday

practicing yoga in an earth friendly manner

Yoga is actually a type of exercise that does not require many props. It is all about moving your body in a methodically controlled manner. However, there are some Yoga postures that are difficult for

best Yoga tools to start with

Buying a Yoga mat might sound like a simple task but it’s, actually, not. There are great varieties of Yoga mats available in the market to match the varying needs of the individuals. However, there

A good Yoga mat enhances the positive effects of your Yoga routine

Already garnering tremendous support at Kickstarter, the YogoMat still requires your contribution so that it could hit production lines soon. Thanks to its ability to fold up to the size of a wine bottle, the

Considering the fact that our lives have gone more hectic and mentally fatiguing than ever before, it’s but obligatory to adopt Yoga to regain that perfect state of being so that we could brave all

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