Why Wellness Tourism Masterclass?
The global wellness tourism market is projected to touch almost $919 billion by 2022 reports GWI. Wellness travellers spend. Spending of wellness tourists on an average was $1528 per trip, 53 percent more than a typical international tourist. The World Tourism Association survey of consumers from 48 countries showed a strong desire for wellness-related travel.
A well-curated wellness tourism masterclass educates and enlightens you about crucial factors in a very short time.
You learn:
- Wellness tourism definition and its implication in travel and tourism market
- Different forms of wellness tourism and related terms
- Finding ways to tap the vast wellness tourism market
- Identifying the target customer segment and their preferences
- Creating need-based best wellness tourism packages
- Identifying the revenue earning streams
Why Wellness Tourism Masterclass?
Himself an avid traveller leaving footprints in more than 65+ destinations and a strong proponent of wellness in travel has conducted hundreds of wellness tourism masterclass. The specially curated wellness tourism coaching module from his exciting travel experiences offers practical exposure to trainees. You find your learning very easy to apply for specific business gains.
You learn:
- History of wellness tourism and benefits
- Evolving trends of wellness tourism.
- Popular wellness tourism destinations.
- Relation between medical and wellness tourism.
- Developments in wellness hospitality market.
- Specific roles and functions of wellness tourism providers and facilitators.
- Emerging job opportunities in wellness tourism.
- Planning and budgeting wellness tourism based on the travellers’ needs and expectations
- Safety issues, regulations, and other challenges in wellness tourism
- Marketing and promoting your wellness tourism products for travellers.
Dr Prem Wellness Tourism Coaching and Masterclass is meant for professionals associated with travel business, wellness hospitality, health centers, medical facilities, travel facilitation, and travel start ups. Experienced professionals can gain insights on unique wellness tourism products for travellers and market expansion.
You will get the following:
- End-to-end guidance on wellness tourism business customised exclusively for your business objectives.
- Adequate knowledge to launch your wellness tourism business with proper SWOT analysis.
- Market study about wellness travel trends
- Ways to position your business and develop the brand
- Guide to marketing and promotion
- Knowledge of tailor-made wellness tourism products for travellers and pricing specific to a destination and customers.
- Educative materials to support your wellness tourism training and knowledge base
- Follow-up business consultations.
Flexibility in wellness tourism training mode and schedule is one of the most advantageous aspects of Dr Prem Wellness Tourism Masterclass. Our online, offline, and also hybrid mode of training can be accessed from anywhere at any prescheduled time. The steps involved are:
- Send us the relevant details to create the exclusive tailor-made wellness tourism coaching module for you.
- Choose the mode of training, online, offline or on-site at any mutually-agreed venue.
- Recordings are available on request subject to certain terms and conditions.
- Annual master class package.
Why people travel for wellness? What is the specialty of wellness tourism? Since ages, we have chosen travel for fun, relaxation and exploration. What led to a gradual shift in travel objectives? You get to know a lot more things in our wellness tourism coaching as listed below:
- Understanding different dimensions of wellness and the evolution of wellness tourism
- Nature of wellness travellers – primary and secondary
- Impact of socioeconomic changes and global healthcare on wellness tourism
- Growing niches in wellness tourism and its drivers
- Change in travelling attitude of discerning travellers.
- Emergence of integrated medical wellness tourism
- Global growth of best wellness tourism companies, wellness resorts and spas
- Thriving wellness tourism business and its socioeconomic benefits
- Challenges, opportunities and the dark side of wellness tourism business
Wellness tourism terms widely differ from country to country mainly due to variations in wellness perception. For some, wellness can mean living a life free from debilitating ailments and comorbidity while some view wellness on a much higher plane. To offer the best wellness tourism packages, you need to know various related terms and differentiate market segments accordingly.
Our wellness tourism coaching enlightens you about:
- Health tourism definition
- Complementary medicine and alternative medicine
- Relation between medical and wellness tourism
- Alternative wellness tourism
- Integrative wellness tourism
- Distinguishing features between wellness resorts, wellness retreats, wellness clinics, spa resorts and medical spas.
Whether you run a resort, spa, hotel, or a travel company, you need to know ways to develop the destination’s wellness attractiveness. What attracts your target customers most? How to introduce those features in your package?
Our wellness tourism masterclass gives you insights on the following:
- Enhancing tourism attractiveness of the destination by identifying the right opportunities
- Assessing destination’s natural resources conducive to developing wellness tourism business
- Uplifting tourism infrastructure through meaningful partnerships
- Integrating wellness components and popular wellness activities for enhanced guest experience.
- Steps to improve the destination’s ambience in coordination with local authorities.
- Meticulous planning of resource utilization meeting the objectives of both the destination and travellers.
- Utilization of local human resource and community development programs
- Creating attractive wellness tourism packages for travelers ensuring zero damage to the destination’s existing natural ambience.
- Case studies of popular wellness tourism destinations.
The customer is always the king, and their expectations are unlimited. As modern-day lifestyle and health issues fuel wellness tourism business, you need a high level of foresightedness to gauge the customers’ expectations. Expectations of a patient seeking fast recovery from a surgery will differ a lot with a healthy individual seeking upliftment in overall well-being.
With our masterclass, you will develop:
- Knowledge of what travellers expect in wellness tourism.
- Deep insights of understanding customers’ behaviours and preferences.
- Planning skills to help wellness seekers with the best itinerary within their budget.
- Ideas to create outcome-based wellness tourism programs for vacation and recuperation.
- Matchmaking skills to offer the best wellness tourism package meeting specific health and wellness goals of the travellers.
The benefits of wellness tourism are immense, and much of it depends on the package a traveller opts for. As a provider and facilitator, you need to come out with the best wellness programs enabling your customer extract maximum benefits.
You will learn:
- Understanding various benefits of wellness tourism with respect to travel packages and offerings in wellness resorts, spas and centres.
- Assessing the beneficial aspect of your offerings with respect to the customers’ needs.
- Tapping varied benefits of wellness tourism niches based on the existing facilities of the destination
- Tips to create best wellness tourism packages that will benefit a broader traveller segment.
There are many avenues to reclaim or enhance your wellness, and this is what makes wellness tourism more enticing. It is opportunities galore for travel providers, resort owners and wellness experts to weave leisure, recreation and other fine shades of wellness in attractive packages. What are those niches that you can explore?
In our masterclass, you get to know of:
- Wellness tourism niches namely, Spiritual Tourism, Adventure Tourism, Voluntourism, Staycations, etc. fulfilling different wellness dimensions.
- Emerging wellness retreats – silence retreats, digital detox, painmoons, fertility retreats and many more.
- Destinations popular in specific wellness tourism niches and their offerings.
- Traveller traits looking for specific wellness tourism niches.
Invite Dr Prem to speak at your event or conduct a workshop and masterclass | Contact Us Now
Be it mindful meditation, yoga, hydrotherapy programs in thermal retreats, or mindboggling adventurous activities, preferences of discerning travellers are diverse. Creating the wellness menu by mindful choices from the vast array of available options could be overwhelming without proper knowledge and guidance.
Dr Prem Wellness tourism coaching helps you in:
- Understanding the pulse of your potential customers.
- Understanding the most popular treatments in wellness tourism
- Best utilization of natural resources in creating viable wellness programs for patients and travellers exclusively.
- Get in touch with experts and professionals who will deliver the quality service.
- Creating customizable reasonably-priced wellness packages.
Invite Dr Prem to speak at your event or conduct a workshop and masterclass | Contact Us Now
What services do you need to focus on to create much sought-after travellers wellness programs? That will depend a lot on your organization capacity, target market and the availability of popular treatments in wellness tourism. More you make your services compact and diverse, better are your chances of pulling customers.
With Dr Prem Wellness Tourism coaching, you learn about:
- Various services commonly offered by wellness tourism providers.
- Integrating medical wellness services for specific categories of travellers.
- Ways to get the right persons on board to deliver those services
- Budgeting and planning wellness tourism programs to meet your business goals
- Third party mediation to support your services
Wellness tourism is a booming industry, and business development strategies differ largely with the provider and his business model. Business development of a wellness resort will not be similar to a travel company or wellness tourism facilitator.
With our wellness tourism coaching, you learn:
- Creating your exclusive business development strategy based on your products and services
- Understanding of the competitive landscape.
- Identifying your KPI’s and position your business accordingly
- Building a loyal customer base with exclusive wellness offerings
- Creating a high-quality customer base by effectively solving their wellness issues
- Enhancing the customers’ wellness demands with innovative wellness tourism products.
- Developing a fruitful sales plan
Invite Dr Prem to speak at your event or conduct a workshop and masterclass | Contact Us Now
To shine as one of the best wellness tourism companies, you need special focus on customer service to make your customers feel very special. Not only that, it should also be clearly distinguishable from other providers. Why should a customer prefer you? In wellness tourism, this becomes a crucial factor as the customers hand over their most valuable assets ‘health’ and wellness to you. This intangible component can make or break your business.
Our wellness tourism coaching helps you in:
- Identifying the unsaid needs of your customers.
- Creating a seamless joyful experience from the start to end.
- Finding ways to improve responsiveness with a keen attitude to resolve customers’ pain points.
- Providing extra care and empathy to ease the customers’ tension and worries.
- Ways to train and motivate your staff to discharge their services responsibly.
- Building strategic partnerships.
- Creating delightful moments throughout the interaction with your customers
- Ensuring outcomes in everything that you offer.
Although a vast market with plentiful opportunities lies in front of you, it is important you set the right marketing strategies to attract your customers. There is no magic formula. Best wellness tourism companies have tasted success with its own marketing recipe. You need to expand your vision and apply smart tactics.
Our Wellness Tourism Masterclass helps you to:
- Identify the consumer demographics that are likely to follow the wellness tourism trends.
- Check the competition and performance of some of the best wellness tourism companies.
- Create niche solutions using innovative tools
- Showcase your performance through various channels
- Learn ways to deal with varied customer feedback
Wellness tourism benefits are intangible by and large which might not be felt immediately. Proper positioning and building a reliable brand image in wellness tourism can take time with varying perception and expectations of consumers.
Our masterclass trains you in:
- Setting strategies for global and local business.
- Online and Offline marketing strategies.
- Social media marketing with proper channel selection.
- Revisiting your offerings and pricing and make it highly competitive.
- Creating a unique shopping experience for your customers.
- Brand building
- Reputation management strategies online and offline
Invite Dr Prem to speak at your event or conduct a workshop and masterclass | Contact Us Now
Whether you run a travel company, wellness resort, wellness clinic, hospital, or a hotel, networking and relationship building is crucial to get the steady flow of wellness travellers. You need to focus on unique relationship building for outstanding performance.
Our wellness tourism masterclass trains you in the following:
- Forge strong relationships with your staff by taking special care of their needs.
- Empowerment of staff with proper resource allocation.
- Building relationships with local communities and providers
- Create strategic relationships with resorts, hotels, facilitators, clinics, hospitals, physicians, therapists, coaches, and travel companies.