Wellness Therapy Guide

Health conscious individuals seek to improve their overall well-being and constantly look for ways to achieve this in a holistic manner through therapies and treatments. From people suffering due to chronic illnesses who need a significant overhaul, to others who require minor therapies to get rid of sprains and bruises, everyone realizes that wellness therapies can help them reach the level of physical and mental fitness that they desire. The many paths to activate the process of healing and mind-body restoration have become increasingly evident with the onset of innovative treatments and revolutionary therapies available for all kinds of illnesses that come with modern lifestyles.

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Healthcare professionals the world over cater to individuals who demand an integration of conventional medicine with therapies in order to heal faster and have long lasting results on their comprehensive wellness. Hospitals now offer services as varied as nature-based aromatherapy to cutting-edge therapies for cancer and heart disease. Most up-market hotels and resorts also understand that people now see spa therapy and mineral treatments as deciding factors while making their final choice, and not just as additional amenities because wellness as a concept is now accepted as an essential ingredient in leading a healthy and long life.

People like to use yoga to attain good health as it brings a lot of health benefits to them and it is also very easy to follow. Taoist Yoga is a form of yoga that […]

woman practicing Taoist Yoga

Yoga is more than a category of physical training methods. It is a lifestyle in its self. When practiced regularly, it can change your life in unexpected ways. Recent Articles:

committing to yoga can change your life for good

We all know how beneficial yoga is at promoting weight loss. But we often don’t understand how individual parts of a weight loss yoga work. We try to explain its basics.

Yoga for weight loss

Aston Patterning is a therapeutic method that focuses on fitness training, massage, movement re-education and some modifications in home and work environment based on the individual needs. It is a comprehensive approach towards the wellbeing

Beautiful woman in white clothing

The word “dhyana” itself translates into “meditation” as well as “conscious thought”. Dhyana Yoga forms one of the 8 limbs of a core yogic practice. It is often marked as the 7th limb of a

know about Dhyana Yoga

Yoga and its various poses were invented and developed in ancient India. In today’s world, the practice – as well as its myriad poses – has gained immense popularity and importance. Yoga includes a huge

Yoga poses that help you relax faster

Today obesity, flabbiness seems to be ruling people all around the globe. With number of people with such symptoms on the rise, you would find every third person somewhat obese or plump if you have

yoga poses for shedding those extra pounds

This is no longer a hidden truth today that yoga is quite helpful to enable us live a healthy and of course, a pleasant life. However, some people do have the habit of taking up


The Indian legacy of Yoga has grown multidimensional with the passage of time. In the present scenario, yoga is seen not just as a way of excise or wellbeing but much more. In other words,


The word ‘Yoga’ is derived from the Sanskrit word ‘yuj’ that means disciplining oneself. Asana is another Sanskrit word that refers to sitting. The Yoga Asanas are a combination of different postures and poses which

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