Yoga for weight loss: Explaining its core benefits

Yoga for weight loss

We all know how beneficial yoga is at promoting weight loss. But we often don’t understand how individual parts of a weight loss yoga work. We try to explain its basics.

Surya Namaskar is for warming up

A few rounds of Surya Namaskar should be performed at the beginning of a yoga regimen aimed at weight loss. It helps loosen the joints for the rigors of asanas to follow while warming the body up as well.

Asanas target specific body parts

A good yoga regimen intended at weight loss would ideally include a healthy balance of supine poses, prone poses, balancing poses, seated poses, standing poses and inverted poses. Some yoga gurus also tailor regimens to focus on a client’s problem area to accelerate fat loss in that region while also allowing a person to shed weight from other parts of the body as well.

Pranayam is for stamina

A good yoga regimen includes a 5-10 minuet long yogic breathing regimen called pranayama in it. the most basic ones include deep and long breaths as well as shallow and forced breaths while more rigorous ones include forced breathing focused out of the stomach or lungs for an extended period of time. Experts ask beginners to breathe naturally and not hold their breath during asanas. More advanced practitioners may pay attention to breathing routines during asanas as well.

Shavasana is important too

Shavasana or the corpse pose is an important aspect of a yoga regimen aimed at weight loss. Traditionally, every asana is supposed to be followed by a 30-second Shavasana pose. For absolute beginners, this break helps regulate blood pressure, stress and breath and allows one to build stamina for harder poses in the future.

Diet basics help accelerate weight loss with yoga

To accelerate weight loss through yoga, you would need to follow a few diet basics. While restricting your calorific intake and hydration is largely left to your own will, a yogic regimen would recommend that you only eat something after 30 minutes if you have just finished a yoga workout. Also, it isn’t recommended that you do a yoga workout for 34 hours after a full meal.

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