Wellness Therapy Guide

Health conscious individuals seek to improve their overall well-being and constantly look for ways to achieve this in a holistic manner through therapies and treatments. From people suffering due to chronic illnesses who need a significant overhaul, to others who require minor therapies to get rid of sprains and bruises, everyone realizes that wellness therapies can help them reach the level of physical and mental fitness that they desire. The many paths to activate the process of healing and mind-body restoration have become increasingly evident with the onset of innovative treatments and revolutionary therapies available for all kinds of illnesses that come with modern lifestyles.

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Healthcare professionals the world over cater to individuals who demand an integration of conventional medicine with therapies in order to heal faster and have long lasting results on their comprehensive wellness. Hospitals now offer services as varied as nature-based aromatherapy to cutting-edge therapies for cancer and heart disease. Most up-market hotels and resorts also understand that people now see spa therapy and mineral treatments as deciding factors while making their final choice, and not just as additional amenities because wellness as a concept is now accepted as an essential ingredient in leading a healthy and long life.

You want to stay fit and find yoga beneficial, but don’t want to spend a large amount? No problem, you can follow these tips and can benefit from yoga without spending a bomb. There are […]

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The healing effect of infrared rays has been long known. Now it has been given a green signal by the medical fraternity too. With the greying of vast population, anti aging therapy and wellness program

How infrared sauna can help cure anti aging, body pain

Use of alternative medicines is fast gaining ground. Practice of Aromatherapy has become popular especially for enhancing mood, and general wellbeing. It uses fragrant essence of a plant extracted by distillation or pressing, and is

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Sports injuries can range from slight sprain to severe dislocation of bones. If not healed with care it can impair an athlete for life. Sports injuries have ruined the career of many athletes due to

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Obesity has turned into a global epidemic. Unhealthy food habit and bad lifestyle are the two basic reasons that cause obesity. Most people find it hard to lose weight once they have become obese. Obesity

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Feeling too tired to get up and exercise? Here are some yoga poses you can opt for to get instant energy. These particular yoga styles would reenergize your body instantly by waking up your brain,


Integrative medicine has become quite popular and not without reason. This special branch of medicine gives equal importance to conventional medicine and alternative medicine. Integrative medicine uses different therapies and treatments suggested by conventional medicine

Massage Therapies - Hacking

Yoga works. And that is the simplest reason why the practice has been around for a few millennia if not more. While most people start a yoga regimen to get a better body, it has

yoga for a calmer mind and a better body

Karma Yoga is a higher facet of the yogic practice that one must reach for once they have mastered the basic forms of yoga and can claim that they have attained mastery over their body, senses


Modern life is full of stress and one’s commitments leave them with little time to devote to themselves. However, yogic breathing and asanas can easily help a person maintain fitness without taking too much time

yogic breathing and asanas essential for modern life
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