Best yoga poses for shedding those extra pounds

yoga poses for shedding those extra pounds

Today obesity, flabbiness seems to be ruling people all around the globe. With number of people with such symptoms on the rise, you would find every third person somewhat obese or plump if you have a look around in park or shopping mall. Moreover, when these signs start appearing quite prominently over women and girls, the situation seems quite worst. Undeniable, flabby belly, dimply thighs and wobbly arms are a girl’s worst enemies.

When someone’s attention is diverted towards yoga, the common presumption that hits the brain is flexibility exercises that one has to undergo while performing yoga. However, Yoga benefits are not just restricted to enhancement of flexibility but to physical and mental wellbeing as well. In the recent years, there has been a sure craze for shedding off extra pounds, thereby helping you get back in shape. Certain yoga poses not just enhance your flexibility, but they also strengthen the muscles of the body, including the core, arms and legs as well. Some of those asanas are mentioned below that may help you tone up for body:

First in the list is The Warrior 1 Pose that works quite effectively on your quads, glutes and hamstrings. In addition, it also gives quite a nice workout to your core muscles. In order to perform Warrior I asana, stand with one leg in front of you and the other extended back behind you like you’re lunging. Turn your back foot out and bend the front knee, lowering yourself toward the floor. Thereafter, try stretching yourself backwards slightly while you hold the pose. While performing this, make sure you breathe in quite a normal way or relaxed manner. In order to make your balance steady, tighten your leg and abdominal muscles for better balance.

Another quite helpful asanas is the Plank Pose. One of the special things about this asana is that it gives your entire body an ultimate workout and toning thereof, as it utilizes the core, arms and legs to keep your body elevated. Now find out how it works. Lie with your face downwards on the floor and then try propping yourself up on your hands or forearms. Lift yourself onto your toes as you do in a pushup. Now keep your back leveled and pull your belly button in towards your spine to activate the core. In order to make this asana a bit strenuous, you may lift your legs, with feet flexed and legs straight, while holding the pose. Some other poses with somewhat similar benefits include the Boat and the Inclined Plane; try them, as well.

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