Wellness Therapy Guide

Health conscious individuals seek to improve their overall well-being and constantly look for ways to achieve this in a holistic manner through therapies and treatments. From people suffering due to chronic illnesses who need a significant overhaul, to others who require minor therapies to get rid of sprains and bruises, everyone realizes that wellness therapies can help them reach the level of physical and mental fitness that they desire. The many paths to activate the process of healing and mind-body restoration have become increasingly evident with the onset of innovative treatments and revolutionary therapies available for all kinds of illnesses that come with modern lifestyles.

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Healthcare professionals the world over cater to individuals who demand an integration of conventional medicine with therapies in order to heal faster and have long lasting results on their comprehensive wellness. Hospitals now offer services as varied as nature-based aromatherapy to cutting-edge therapies for cancer and heart disease. Most up-market hotels and resorts also understand that people now see spa therapy and mineral treatments as deciding factors while making their final choice, and not just as additional amenities because wellness as a concept is now accepted as an essential ingredient in leading a healthy and long life.

Originating in Japan and over 100 years old, Shiatsu is physical therapy, which focuses on holistic Chinese practices to correct energy flow imbalances in the body. Also called the “Finger Pressing Massage,” Shiatsu focuses on […]


Thalassoptherapy has been proved effective to many medical problems such as asthma, arthritis, weight loss, detox, and cellulite treatment. This is an old way to treat yourself with seawater minerals and massage packs. Recent Articles:

Treat yourself with Thalassoptherapy

Life has become a race and we are continuously striving for betterment. In our race to succeed, we often neglect the most vital wealth that we possess, our health. Long working hours, lack of exercise

Neck ache

Breema Bodywork is a new form of massage therapy that uses body movements and tactility. It is included and a form of massage therapy. The purpose of the therapy is to increase the energy in

Understanding breema bodywork

Yoga has become very popular in both the oriental and western countries. It is actually an ancient Indian method of keeping fit and maintaining the balance among body, mind and spirit. For practicing yoga, one


Are you crazy about running? Then a few yoga exercises can boost the stamina and the strength to get this passion alive. Some of the poses are mentioned below:

yoga exercises to boost the stamina

Arthritis is a very uncomfortable condition in which an individual suffers from intense joint pain and inflammation. Most people complain of severe knee pain and cannot walk or move properly. Experienced yoga experts recommend some


Yoga mats are commercially marketed to be used while doing exercises. They of course are soft and hygienic; however, they can contain high amounts of chemicals that can be hazardous to health. Right from serious


Yoga is the slow and steady way to overall fitness and good health. It helps in conditioning the organs, muscles and bones from inside and makes them stronger. While other forms of exercise puts stress


If you are planning to conceive, then yoga is an option you must consider. It is injury free and gentle to the joints, also promoting healthy blood flow and stretching. Specific yoga poses help the

gain good fertility with yoga
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