Yoga for health ailments

Yoga for health ailments

Is your modern lifestyle the main cause of health issues? Are irregular and wrong eating habits, making you much more vulnerable to diseases?  Do you work overnight and suffer from high stress level? If yes, then don’t worry as Yoga is the perfect solution to all your health ailments. Practicing yoga creates balance inside you and helps you lead a healthy lifestyle. Yoga can cure a number of health problems. Have a look to know how.



In today’s world majority of the people including many children are suffering from obesity. The irregular and bad food habits are the main reasons for this disease. There are many asanas that can easily burn the body fat like Uttanpadasana, pawanmuktasana, Bhujangasana, naukasana, and agnisar. These exercises are done for the flexing and contraction of abdominal muscles that help in burning the fat deposited and also in circulation.


Constipation is caused by many factors such as irregular eating habits, lack of physical exercise, stress and depression. If you want to get rid of the health problem try asanas like yogamudra, sarvangasana, shirshasana and matsyasana.



The main asanas for the diabetes include paschimotasana and Ardhamatsyasana. Try these asanas with a sugar-free diet along with regular exercises and you are good to go.


It is another common problem caused by the modern working style. It can be corrected using asanas like shalabhasana, bhujangasana, Pavanmuktasana, naukasana.

Rheumatism, Arthritis:


Working in the same posture for a very long time or sitting in a wrong posture can lead to hardening of joint muscles and fibrous tissues. With the help of yogic asanas such as Ekpaduttanasana and pavanmuktasana you can easily get rid of this problem. The asanas help in stimulating the blood circulation and remove toxins from the body.

Sinus congestion:

Improper stooping or any bacterial infections lead to sinuses, asthma, bronchitis and cold. There are certain asanas that can help you out like bhujangasana; dhanurasana, sarvangasana and matsyasana are just perfect for blocked nose.

Blood pressure:

blood pressure

Out of any 10 people, about eight have the blood pressure issues mainly caused by the wrong eating habits, stress and anxiety. It can be treated with sarvangasana and savasana.


This is one common problem faced by everyone caused by the excessive production of acid in the stomach. The ailment is caused by improper lifestyle, stress, wrong diet and over intake of spices. The suitable asanas that can treat this problem are uttanpadasana, yogamudra, bhujangasana and shalabhasana.

Anxiety, Depression:


A regular problem that is faced by everyone when not able to handle excessive stress issues. The only help is to relax and free your mind.

Shoulder and Neck pain:

Due to excess of stress there is some tension between the neck and shoulder. The only way to deal is stretching your body muscles from time to time.

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