Yoga helps lower Basal Metabolic Rate in humans

Yoga helps lower Basal Metabolic Rate

Believe it or not, practicing yoga regularly may significantly bring down the basal metabolic rate, especially in healthy adults. Though this finding may be new to many, but the truth is that this fact has been established long ago, which finds its description in many books imparting knowledge about Yoga and its benefits. Well, leave that aside and have a look at what the new study reveals about Yoga benefits.

However, prior to that, it’s important to say that the old legend of India – Yoga has surprisingly established today all around the globe as potent tool against host of disease and as an efficacious tool to live a healthier and happier life. Yoga benefits are not just restricted to physical but emotional, psychological and spiritual well being of the humans as well. What the new study came up with goes like this – it’s found that people practicing yoga regularly have slower Basal Metabolic Rate, also known as BMR, compared to those who never practiced Yoga.

Actually, the study began with the sole idea of investigate the net change in the Basal Metabolic Rate of individuals actively engaging in a combination of yoga practices (Asana, Yogic Postures, Meditation And Pranayama Or Breathing Exercises) for a minimum period of six months. The study was conducted at a residential yoga education and research center at Bangaluru. The study came with startling revelation which submits that  regular yoga practitioner had lower basal metabolic rate, which was lower by about 13 percent when adjust for body weight. The persistent difference was seen even while the groups were stratified by gender. Basal Metabolic rate is related the amount of energy expended daily by humans and other animals at rest. Rest is defined as existing in a neutrally temperate environment while in the post-absorptive state. In plants, different considerations apply.

This study conducted at a health institute of Bangalaru on two groups – yoga practicing and non-yoga practicing people. The yoga groups had 24 women and 31 men, whereas the non-yoga group had 34 men and 15 women. In order to make the findings of the study more genuine and trustworthy, the people covered under the study were of almost similar age and the findings were quite positive with regard to health benefits of Yoga. Though this is not for the first time that a study has come out showing positive benefits of yoga, yet we have another reason to live life yoga way. Isn’t it?

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