Are yoga and religion interconnected?

yoga and religion
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The concept of yoga is to maintain a balance between your physical and spiritual self that ultimately leads to self-realization. But many people in the due course compare it with religion, considering them both to be the similar concepts, which is certainly not true. Religion is a totally different concept and the books of Judaism, Christianity, Islam etc., dominate its cultures.

In the concept of religion one can follow only one religion i.e. either Christianity or Islam or Judaism etc. but cannot be multi-religious. Each religion claims to be the only Truth of life and that their ways of lifestyle is the best one, which is also superior to all the other ways.

Considering both the statements to be true many religions originating from India like the Sanatana Dharma (Hinduism), Jain Dharma (Jainism) and Buddhist Dharma (Buddhism) cannot be accepted as religions. Same goes for the spiritual tradition of Far East such as Shinto, Tao and Confucianism.

Hinduism is not considered as a religion as there are different practices and faiths that are followed under it. There are different pictures of Gods, saints and prophets in Hindu religion. A Hindu devotee pays respect to many devotees and worships many places without any exceptions. The same goes for Jains and often to the devotees of Amba, divine Mother.

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One other reason is that Hindu religion does not follow the only one Truth concept as they see all paths leading to one and all the paths to be equally valid. There are no coverts in this religion; you just have to follow the Vedas to be a Hindu.

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Now after what actually religion means it can never be said that Yoga is a religion. Yoga does not require any faith or belief and anyone can practice Yoga as it is not necessary that you have to be a Muslim or Christian. Yoga lets your mind to be free and allows you to explore the nature of the Divine. It leads to the truth and higher reality. Yoga gives you all the techniques with which you can explore the inner self and the outer worlds making you familiar with the truths about yourself.

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There are no rules that you have to follow in Yoga as you are free to live your life in your own way. You can also adopt different values and beliefs through your experiences in life. Any person on earth can practice yoga and explore the nature of the Divine. If anyone has any problem with rules and rituals they can certainly look forward to their way to Yoga. With all these it can be noted that yoga is not a religion.



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