Naukasan – All you need to know about Naukasan


The name of the asana is derived from the Sanskrit word “Nauka”, which means a boat. The posture of this asana replicates the shape of the boat, which gives this asana its name. Naukasan is one of the easiest forms of asana. It does not require much effort to do this asana. The legs and the arms are first stretched and then lifted upwards.

The muscles are pulled due to this action. Naukasan must be done with concentration to enjoy its benefits. Every single movement must be done slowly. Having good control on the movements is also equally important. Maintaining harmony throughout the asana will provide fruitful results. There must be no distraction.

As a common practice people take all the initiatives to attain the correct posture and neglect the relaxation factor. Relaxation is the key element of the Naukasana so the posture must be achieved in a state of comfort. Mechanizing the asana will reduce its benefits so the movements of the body and its sensation must be given priority.

Steps to be followed

  1. Lie on the abdomen.
  2. The forehead must touch the ground.
  3. The hands must be placed on the side of the body.
  4. Both the palms must be rested upon the ground.
  5. The legs must be kept together.
  6. Lift the legs, hands and the head from the floor by inhaling.
  7. The legs should be lifted together without bending the knees.
  8. The head should be lifted further upwards.
  9. The abdomen should balance the entire weight of the body.
  10. The posture should be maintained till you experience the pull of the legs.
  11. The head and the arms should be at the same level.
  12. The curvature of the body should be visible.
  13. Slowly come back to the lying position by exhaling gradually.

What are the benefits?

  • It increases the flexibility of the spinal cord.
  • It boosts the secretion from the liver and pancreas and also improves its function.
  • The lungs are strengthened.
  • The blood sugar is maintained.
  • Any abnormality associated with the backbone is diminished.
  • The chest gets enlarged.
  • Stomach problems are reduced by this asana.
  • The muscles of the body get toned.

Some precautions

  • People having hernia problems must refrain themselves from performing this asana.
  • The knees must not be bent while doing the asana.
  • Heart patients should not perform this asana.
  • People suffering from hip disorders are advised to not to do Naukasan.
  • The asana must be stopped if stomach pain is experienced by the performers.
  • People with stomach ulcers must not perform this asana.
  • Persons with high blood pressure should avoid this asana.

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