Yoga positions you should avoid when pregnant

Yoga positions during pregnancy
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Pregnancy is a very delicate period for a woman’s body, and as such is the time for taking the stringiest of precautions. And, unfortunately many such precautions entails some exotic Yoga poses as well. Make no mistake – some simplistic Yoga forms can be spiritually beneficial during the pregnancy time. However, the physically demanding ones can pose problems to the altered womb, which ultimately affects the baby.

In this regard, let us check out five such complex positions women must avoid during their pregnancy.

Lying down positions

Prone positions should be avoided or at the least consulted with the doctors. However, the strict no-no ones are the poses that involve the belly as the direct support on the ground. This can lead to built-up pressures those ultimately results in Vena Cava Syndrome (blocking of vena cava artery). The after effect may be reduced blood flow to the baby, which may adversely act upon the baby’s health.

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Twisting poses

Some twisting poses like revolved triangle generally involve the flexing of the abdomen part of a human body. They should be readily avoided for the obvious stretching effect on the belly. This puts unmitigated pressure on the uterus. However, alternatives such as shoulder or head twisting exercises can be undertaken for improved flexibility of the body.

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Inversion poses

Inversion poses can affect your state of pregnancy in the first three months itself, by dislocating the position of the egg. The natural positioning of the egg takes place in this trimester, and thus exercises involving head on the ground and limbs in the air are to be avoided. Many pressure postures can also have an adverse effect on the uterus.

Jumping poses

Jumping poses including the ones that even involve the littlest of movement should be avoided by pregnant women. This is because the sudden upward movement with a particular strain can act upon the natural positioning of the egg. Other malefic effects include the onset of excessive breathing which increases the blood pressure, or even accidental missteps which can result in severe injury.

Bending poses

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Bending in Yoga is synonymous to effective stretching of various regions of the body, especially the shoulders, abdomen and belly. The last two mentioned areas are specifically delicate during the pregnancy period, and as such those associated bending exercises should be avoided. Moreover, twisting and stretching poses can add to the overall mental stress encountered during pregnancy, which in turn can make the practitioner uneasy after the workout.

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