The team of Dr Prem and Associates headed by Dr Prem Jagyasi and award-winning global leader and social media influencer has entered in an agreement with the Dalmia MedTrip to provide digital marketing and social media guidance to help them expand their offerings to international market.
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The success of your business depends greatly on the perceived value of the brand. Whether the business is public or private, the brand will influence the pricing strategy for your products and services, as well as the business’s equity price. The team from Promotional Product Experts have provided the following techniques that can be applied to your business when promoting your products in Australia.
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One thing many businesses tend to rule out when creating a business plan is including public relations. While these businesses tend to focus more on advertising, they give little or no notice to PR strategies that can increase the company’s brand awareness more than advertising. Read more
Social media in today’s scenario is not just about having web portals that help connect to one another; rather it has become an important measure in everybody’s jobs these days. Today numerous social portals are drivers of serious businesses around the world. Therefore, if your job involves being proactive social media marketer, you should never ignore Pinterest. Read more
For any business trying to establish itself in the industry, the most important thing is to have a unique product. However, there are few things such as SEO, which entrepreneurs can utilize to improve their online presence. Most people use search engines such as Google, Bing and Yahoo as their tool to find information about any business. Search engine optimization can help you get better visibility in search engines thereby resulting in improved business opportunities.
Social media has become an integral part of marketing strategy of every company and retweets, likes and shares are what make the posts popular. However, what is important is getting traffic directed to your website from those social media posts and conversations. Your followers want to show that they like your posts and share them with their friends but anyone hardly cares to fully read them, let alone clicking on the links to visit your website.
Social media has become an important marketing medium and businesses cannot think of any marketing plan in which social media promotions are not included. But when we talk about social media promotions for large and medium businesses, the inevitable question about ROI comes into picture. Thus, our aim in the following section would be to look into whether it is possible to measure return on investment for social promotions and how to calculate it.
A leader should be mature enough to accept responsibility in case things go wrong. In addition to it, failure is a learning experience, which helps us to improve further. We will now look at the recent incidence of Gurbaksh Chahal to understand how entrepreneurs in general should not behave and it is a classic example of things entrepreneurs should not do if they want to succeed in their profession.
If you are interested in promoting your site on social media platforms such as Twitter then it is necessary to use some tools. Twitter is a social networking site, which most marketers use whether it is for content sharing, interacting with followers or keeping abreast with latest happenings in the industry. Let us now look at some of the most common and useful tools that markers should use for their promotional activities.
In the age of the internet, digital marketing can help boost your business significantly. Sites like Twitter have become hotspots for potential business owners wishing to promote their business via marketing messages. However, with over 58 million tweets being passed around every day, it would be difficult for a simple marketing tweet to stand up and garner attention. In this case, you can enlist the help of promoted tweets to gain more attention in the online world as well as increase the ROI of your digital marketing campaign.
You need to manage several aspects of your business during your entire day. Various operations and activities need your attention. However, if you spend half of your day on social media posting content and tracking results, you would not be able to pay attention to your daily routine. On one hand, it is important to plan your strategies and devise business policies. On the other hand, it is also critical to receive your return on investment from social media. Thus, the solution is to follow some techniques to plan effective social media marketing strategies. Check out some tips on how you may do it.
Remain conscious of time
You will have to be stricter with your schedule as far as social media marketing is concerned. Generally, people login to their accounts for posting a quick update on their business page. Later, they get involved in checking personal stuff, family pictures or friends’ updates when they login. Most of the social sites, especially Facebook, are quite addictive and you tend to waste a lot of extra time on these during your business hours. A good idea is to allocate separate time slots for your personal and business profiles. You may also try keeping a track of the daily time you are spending on marketing. This would help you remain conscious of your productive time.
Find your target market
Search for your real customers whom you want to target. If your audience is on Facebook, there is no point spending a lot of time on another social media platform. Check which network is mostly used by your customers and start investing your time in that.
Try automation
A great method to save your precious time is to utilize automation. There are various tools available that can be used to pre-schedule your daily updates. Thus, you can use these to set your posts in advance. This saves your time, as you do not have to visit a social platform multiple times a day. In addition, these tools allow you to have a single dashboard to control all your social media networks.
Track follower activity
To plan an effective marketing campaign, you should remain engaged with your target audience. This can be done when you spend some time interacting with your followers and understanding their needs and concerns. Even if you automate certain posts, try responding to people’s comments and questions personally. This also helps you deliver better customer service.
Monitor results
To understand what is working for you and what is not, analyze your social media data for conversions and return on investment. Monitoring the results can help you design effective marketing campaigns for social platforms.
There can be nothing better than free marketing, which can be a great asset to someone starting a business afresh or is operating the business on a limited capital. It can also be captivating for those who do not like spending on marketing campaigns, yet seek profitable returns from their business venture. We shall see some marketing ideas in this aspect, which can help you in growing your business via free marketing approach.
- Cooperation and Networking
Too often, business ventures neglect the strength of a fellow business entity. These can be an essential source of deriving marketing gains for free. Best and simplest example would be of those businesses which operate on the supply chain of your own business. For example, you can get in touch with your distributors and ask them to let the customers know regarding your product, if any of them ask regarding the presence of service provided by your business. Another aspect would be to get in touch with fellow businesses, wherein you can network with the employees and managers while making sure the reach of your business is increased.
This can be achieved in the simplest manner by providing them with the details of your product and also a sample in some instances in order to build the trust. If they like your service, surely enough the referrals will be directed from their side. Another method could be to ask a business venture to share our pamphlet while you share their flyer in your business premises.
- Social Media
Exploiting the social media for free marketing is arguably the most effective as well as promising form of all the methods listed here. You can take the approach of Emails or using sites like Facebook or Twitter for keeping your customers updated on your activity.
Many businesses have practically done well by investing close to nothing in advertising, merely by using the power of social media. However, as the competition in this sphere of marketing is increasing, the switching power of the customers is proportionately increasing as well. Care should be taken to ensure that the content being posted is of significant help to the audience as this will ensure that you get the attention of your target market.
One thing to remember while undertaking these approaches is to remember that pleasing your target audience is the key in free marketing approach. This will largely determine the success or the failure of your implemented campaign.
Marketing has evolved over the years thanks to the emergence of new types of media, especially internet. While the traditional ways of marketing through television, newspapers, magazines etc. are still very much relevant, the coming of internet has levelled the ground for small to mid-size businesses. Inbound marketing has changed the way we perceive marketing. We don’t search for a prospective customer but he/she finds us looking for a particular product through internet. This form of marketing is highly targeted and the percentage of prospective buyers that are converted into customers is high.
So how does it work?
Suppose a person is looking for a particular product, which meets his personal needs. The easiest thing to do in order to find such product is to get your phone, tablet or laptop and Google it up (or maybe Yahoo it up? Bing it up?). He/She types in a set of keywords to look for a similar product and you have a website that sells it. You may have website that sells the product but if you don’t have the right content or in case you don’t rank high up (in the first page of Google Search) for the relevant keywords you will miss the opportunity to make customers. Search Engine Optimization (SEO) comes to your rescue here and ensures that you rank high up there in search engine results while people are searching for your product.
Social Media
Ranking up in Google search results may still take time but getting hit on social networking sites is easier. If one customer likes your product on Facebook chances are high that his other friends too will follow suit. Social networking will help you to spread word-to-mouth message about your product and people can share their experiences and recommend your product. The way it works is if people like your product they will sell it for you.
The phases of inbound marketing
The initial phase involves attracting people to your website or blog and social media. Once you’re being visited by thousands of prospective customers you need to convert them to leads by getting their email IDs and personal information. The best way to do this is by offering something for free your visitor might be interested in. The last stage involves converting the leads into customers by providing him a product customized to his/her needs. You can convert your one time buyers into repeat customers by offering them the right products and keeping them updated with your latest content, offers and products.
Many find social media to be quite similar to a crazy girlfriend in the sense that they both intend to occupy as much of your daily attention as possible and ask for reason when you try to break things off them. We explore some other easy ways in which a social media profile is like a crazy girlfriend.
1. They always ask you who you are with, where you are and what you are doing
Both a crazy girlfriend and a social media profile are always very keen on knowing where you are, who you are with and what you are doing.
2. They prefer engagement more than simply being liked
A crazy girlfriend and your social media both would prefer your engagement with them even if you are perfectly ok with liking them for the time being.
3. They never forget a thing
Just like a crazy girlfriend, you social media page stores all your crazy info- from drunk messages to pictures that you thought would be fun to statuses that you posted years ago- both social media and crazy girlfriends never forget a thing!
4. They inflate your ego
A crazy girlfriend showers you with complements day in and day out. A social media profile does pretty much the same thing when it gets your ugly mug to be like by all your friends!
5. They want you to make your relationship public ASAP
You can tell if your girlfriend is crazy if she insists on you visiting her parents or hanging out with her friends in the second week of the relationship itself. Similarly, your social media profile page constantly pressured you to fill in the relationship status column or it tells you that your profile is incomplete.
6. If you spend too much time with them, you are sure to feel overwhelmed
If you don’t already know what this feels like, you’ve probably been living under a rock without a girlfriend for the past 5 years.
7. They will tell everyone what you tell them
You can never be sure that whatever you tell your crazy girlfriend won’t end up in her journal of all things disturbing. In the event that she commits a crime, her insane fantasies may implicate you as an accomplice even if you’re perfectly innocent. In the same way, your social media activities allow your office mates/family tune in to all the crazy things that you thought would be safe on your own profile.
8. They make people “follow” you
A social media profile gives people reason to “follow you”. A crazy girlfriend gets people to follow you because she doesn’t trust you.
9. They seem to hang around even if you break all ties with them
Just like a crazy girlfriend that insisted on being involved in every part of your life, your social media profile will come back to haunt you from beyond the grave in the form of the “Log in with your Facebook/Twitter account” pop up that is needed to do virtually anything on the internet these days.
10. Treating them wrong will cost your dearly
If you have every wronged a crazy girlfriend, we don’t need to tell you how that works out for you. as for wronging a social media site, try imputing the wrong password on the login screen or try to say something even remotely abusive to another social media user and you’d be banned from the site before your own misdeeds even sink in.
Hospitals and social media are a great mix, offering a wealth of opportunities for connecting with the community, patients, and even collaborating across health systems and between different hospitals. Some medical groups are wary of the liability and privacy issues that social media may open up, but others have found ways to manage these concerns and enjoy the benefits of using social media.
Note: link removed based on request from the source.