Lockdown is the blessing, I needed.
It’s absolutely wonderful to see how people in lockdown are turning out to be a professional cook, picking up forgotten brushes, and exercising like yoga masters.
I know how many people are hating lockdown.Well, personally, I am quite enjoying this time of my life. I must agree that this lockdown is the blessing, I needed from the universe. In the first two months of 2020, I traveled to eight countries, and my trips to more than 20 countries were scheduled for the rest of the year already. With such a success, pace, and buzz there was no time for me to fine-tune, relearn, and re-evaluate in my life. Now that my travel is halted, It has been a tremendous period for me, where I am able to rework on myself.
“When you can’t go outside, how about exploring the inner universe, it has far more potential than the external world can ever offer.”
If I haven’t improved myself during this lockdown, I would have definitely missed the greatest opportunity of my life. Lockdown taught me that cutting down the pint of habits that didn’t make sense has now actually started making sense. I have done one important thing in my life and business. I have cut down everything from my life, habits, and routine that didn’t make sense. For example, On my site DrPrem.com we have over 100,000 guide post, in two months we have deleted, recycled, and cleaned up over 40,000 guides. Feeling leaner and better already and our ranking and traffic is just booming. And, it’s just beginning. I see a bright light already. Light is necessary for all our lives, even if it’s coming through the cracks of a windowpane with sheer curtains.
I am back to basics, what I was 20 years back when I jumped in a plane for a maiden trip to Dubai for a job search. I had dreams and unchartered paths ahead of me but I had sheer courage. Now, I have decided to take some of those paths in my life and see my self differently from now on.
Lockdown taught me An empty mind is usually a devil’s workshop but on somedays can also spur out a lot of creativity. We can indeed survive in situations we never thought we could have survived.
Everything is not as normal as we want it to be. What is normal though is to be anxious and feel restless at odd hours of the day at a time and make it to the next, you are doing enough, okay?
And you know, after all this compilation, a distinct realization that came in was that at the end of the day, if given a chance we hardly would like to take our materialistic wealth to our graves; rather those little memories or faces that made us feel alive. Don’t let the lockdown take you down. Let the lockdown work in your terms
I hope this reaches out to the ones who need it and will inspire you as well to take some bold steps and regain control of your life. I am available to have chat on one-on-one should you wish to have words with me.
Very humbly, please note, you might hear little less from me on social media and might also see me cleaning up my Facebook from 5000 friends to just a few to give attention to only close friends. If you see me accidentally deleting you. Please reconnect. The best would be if you drop a small comment so I ensure it’s not deleted.