This International Family Day 15th May, 2021 Dr Prem & Associates has launched a unique campaign that went viral. The campaign sent out the message of a broader Family stretching from indoors to the outer world establishing a bridge with social wellness. Within moments of the campaign launch, it received a loud appreciation from colleagues, followers, and well-wishers acknowledging the value of family and its influence on social wellness that is so badly needed at this point of time.
If anything that has the most conspicuous influence on our life, it is our ‘Family’. The dependence and care that we get from our family go a long way in how we influence our society and the posterity with our inculcated values.
Importance of family and its link with our social wellness
Some important facts:
- Studies suggest family connections and social resources offer a greater sense of purpose benefiting our well-being throughout the life.
- Married life, especially happily married life is linked to better physical and mental health. Married life provides better access to economic and social resources that promote individual wellbeing.
- Ample data support the fact that an individual’s family life and social environment do affect vital physiological parameters including immune, endocrine, and cardiovascular functioning.
Family is the immediate extension of oneself surrounded by well-wishers, advisors and people who truly care for us. In fact, a family is created where each and every member share moments of joys and sorrows, triumphs, and failures helping everybody to emerge stronger than before. Each member is a warrior in the trench sharing the difficult moments while combating external threats and rejoicing together the victory.
On the same plane, a great organisation is just an extension of a great family. It offers us the space for growth, effective guidance and leadership that steers us in the right direction for the furtherance of our career. It is the much-coveted space where we are likely to get parental guidance, support, love,and care from all in times of need.
The values we build up from years of our family guidance both at home and workplace get reflected in our social wellness where we learn to care for others. It is these values that help in setting a great connection with the society that is getting highly recognized in the current distressful situation.
10 Ways how spending quality family time impacts our social wellness
As said, charity begins at home, all good practices for our well-being initiate at our home. Let us follow few ways to create a healthy family life at home and in society.
1. Free-flow of communication among family members eases stress, builds self esteem
Free interaction among family members not only strengthens bonding but improves our confidence and self-esteem to face the world. It enhances our ability to mix freely with society without any mental blockage.
2. Reduces the chances of loneliness
Spending time with family means you are always in the good company and comfort zone that keeps you away from loneliness. You carry the same feeling and attitude with your social connections helping yourself and others not to suffer from loneliness.
3. Teaches problem-solving and crisis management.
Family life is not without crisis, and it could be of any time. While handling crisis, you might make mistakes and at times you come out with flying colours. Whatever may be the situation, your family life teaches you the elementary rules of problem-solving and crisis management.
4. Helps in instilling societal values in the next generation
Family life instils great values that we pass on to our next generation. Our kids pick up the practices that we follow and pass it to their friends in their circuit. Quality family life helps to create good next generation citizens who do good for their society and country.
5. The strong feeling of belongingness builds your resilience to fight adversities.
What you learn at homereflects in your social activities. The feeling of belongingness in your family that gives you strength to fight adversities come into play when you engage in community programs. You feel you are a part of the society, an extended family.
6. Teaches the value of shared responsibility at home and in society.
When you help your partner or parent in small and big chores at home,
7. Helps in nurturing diverse creative potential.
Your family is the right place where you get inspiration and encouragement to nurture your creative side, some of which could be enjoyed by your society.
8. Reinforces discipline and consistency in all aspects of life.
An individual’s disciplined lifestyle and consistency could be a role model in the society. People would like to emulate those practices that helps in creating a healthy societal environment.
9. Helps you focus on the relationship dynamics
When you feel the emotional roller-coaster of your family members at different stages of your life, you are likely to feel the pains of others. You develop empathy and compassion which drives you to lend care and support to others.
10. Extended family time means extended life expectancy
Family time feeds your emotional needs and teaches you responsibility that drives you to lead a healthy and balanced life. You will never feel empty or take to unhealthy habits but enjoy extended longevity.
Plan for some exciting family moments, and make it a priority. Share your family moments with us.