The booming medical tourism industry has been of special attraction to global tour-ists, who are now opting for top class medical treatments across borders, along with spending a vacation.
This enriched guidebook comes as a storehouse of valuable in-formation related to each and every aspect related to medical tourism. Not every country has the infrastructure and expertise to provide the best medical support for every ailment. People migrating to foreign lands seeking relief from their bodily sufferings is a method practiced since primitive days, and with gradual techno-logical advancements it has taken the shape of medical tourism today.
The initial chapters of the book provide you a vivid understanding of the medical tour-ism concept and the plausible reasons that encourage the phenomenon. The vivid narration of associated wellness and health tourism and its different domains are no doubt added attractions forcing the reader to adopt a different thought process in availing medical support way ahead of the conventional ones. Certainly, the aim is to achieve better quality of life.
The well constructed chapters provide step by step guidance alerting the reader of possible loopholes while considering medical tourism. A well crafted description of 68 medical tourism destinations highlighting their uniqueness in medical tourism is the most attractive part of this book helping the per-son in need to select the right destination as per his requirement and affordability.
Read more about Dr Prem’s work in Medical Tourism at