Best yoga poses to help you cure diabetes

You Might Have Diabetes

Nowadays, diabetes (especially type 2) is becoming a common disease affecting people all over the world. Diabetes is not only troubling the older people but also becoming a common phenomenon among younger generation as well. If you are sensitive to homeopathic remedies and looking to improve the ailment in a traditional manner, yoga could well be a safe and easy remedy to make your metabolism function more efficiently. Since, some of the yoga poses, which involve crossing the legs, are harmful for diabetics; it’s advisable to consult a certified yoga instructor before getting started. Following are some of the yoga poses that can help you out in curing the type 2 diabetes.

Best yoga poses to help you cure diabetes

  1. Big Toe Pose

  2. Downward Facing Dog

  3. Triangle Pose

  4. Hero Pose or Virasana

  5. Fish Pose or Matsyasana

Big Toe Pose

The Big Toe Pose is a basic yoga pose that calms your mind when you start the yoga practice and improves digestion significantly. In addition, it improves the blood flow to vital body parts such as liver and kidneys and protects against nonalcoholic fatty liver disease and diabetes. If you find difficulty in reaching your toes with straight legs, you can bend your knees.

Downward Facing Dog

The Downward Facing Dog position is yet another basic yoga pose that calms your nerves down for an absorbing yoga session. Other than improving the digestive system, it also controls high blood pressure, which is common among most of the type 2 diabetics. You need to spread your fingers apart to perform this pose in the approved manner. If you have to strain too much to keep your heels on the ground, you can bend your knees.

Triangle Pose

The Triangle Pose improves digestion and keeps your kidneys healthy while stimulating all the abdominal organs. In this pose, you need to hold the position on both sides for 3 to 5 breaths. You can use a yoga block to support your body, in case, you feel difficulty in keeping your body steady in this pose. Else rest your back heel against a wall to stabilize your body.

Hero Pose or Virasana

This sitting pose strengthens the arches, thighs, knees and ankles, while improving the digestion. In addition, the Hero Pose heals high blood pressure and asthma, and helps in reducing the menopause. In this pose, you have to sit back on your heels, place your knees under hips and keep toes closer, as much as possible, to each other. In case, you have knees problem, you can support the knees with a yoga block or yoga blanket.

Fish Pose or Matsyasana

In this pose you need to lie flat on the back and keep the buttocks on the floor. This pose can be done both with straight legs and with knees bent according to flexibility of the body. Apart from stretching the hip flexors, rib muscles and organs of the belly and throat, the fish pose calms the mind down and lower your heart rate after the stressful session of yoga.

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