Best yoga poses for beginners

yoga poses for beginners
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Yoga is possibly the most ancient and natural way to keep your body and mind fresh and healthy. While practicing yoga, all you need to do is stretch your body muscles in a precise manner, which gives thoughtfulness to your stretching and help you remain in shape. Though the advanced yoga poses are a bit complicated and need professional guidance or assistance, but there are some simple yoga poses or exercises that you can practice on your own.

Mountain Pose or Tadasana

Just ideal for beginners, the Mountain Pose is a basic yoga position wherein you have to stand straight with your arms hanging at your sides and feet together to distribute the body weight evenly, from the toes to the heels. Keep your back straight, close your eyes and take 10-15 deep breathes to calm your body and mind. Apart from making you feel slimmer, taller and positive, the Mountain Pose perfectly aligns your whole body as well.

Raised Hands Pose or Urdhva Hastasana

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The “Urdhva Hastasana” is a standing pose that improves body posture, reinforces thighs and opens up shoulders by stretching the front part of your body. In this pose, you have to raise your arms from sides (without bending) over your head to press the palms against each other. Now keep your eyes on your hands and bend the shoulders slightly backwards to stretch the body.

Downward Facing Dog Pose

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Another basic yoga pose for beginners, the Downward Facing Dog position helps you keep your mind calm and focused, while stretching your calves. To achieve this position, you have to get down to the floor, on your hands and knees, while keeping the hands right under the shoulders and knees under hips. Now lift your knees off the floor and balance your body on your palms and feet with toes parallel to the body. Breathe deep and remain in this position for about 15-20 seconds. To stretch your body fully, make sure you don’t bend your arms, back and legs.

Standing Forward Bend or Uttanasana

The “Uttanasana” is good for strengthening your thighs and knees, while stretching your hips, calves and hamstrings. In this pose you have to extend the mountain pose and bend your upper body forward with straight back to touch your feet without bending the knees. Once you place your palms flat on the floor, breathe deep and try to rub your nose on your knees, and remain in the same position for about 15 seconds. The Standing Forward Bend also helps in improving digestion, headaches, fatigue and insomnia. Moreover, it circulates blood to the brain and relieves stress from your body as well as mind.

Corpse Pose or Shavasana

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One of the basic and most important poses of the whole yoga practice, the Corpse Pose or Shavasana is good for refreshing your body and soul. All you have to do is, lie flat on the back on the floor and spread your arms and legs at about 45 degree angles. Try to keep your spine and arms as much straight as possible. Now close your eyes and take deep breathes for about 45 seconds.

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