Yogaforfocus and TRX collaborate to offer Yoga Fusion workouts, accessories

Attributable to their desire to stay in shape, attain spiritual harmony and perfect their emotional and mental state, we see folks lining up at yoga studios or following yoga gurus. Over the years, yoga has evolved as an all-encompassing, spiritually motivating fitness mantra. Correspondingly, yoga equipment suppliers are coming up with novel yoga gear and related accessories to help practitioners master seemingly difficult yoga poses with unparalleled ease.

Yoga teacher and Yogaforfocus founder Jeffrey Posner, in collaboration with Fitness Anywhere, a San Francisco based fitness company, has announced to simplify latter’s TRX workout system. According to Posner, enough people don’t yet understand TRX fully, even though it’s a pretty effective and a refiner version of yoga that builds physical strength and flexibility.

Posner, who has been reselling the TRX line of workout products, confirms that the “equipment is super-simple, and fits right in with a low-distraction yoga environment.” Consisting of a few specialized nylon straps and unobtrusive mounting devices, the TRX equipment help yogis try out a number of exercises and workout variations of the TRX Yoga Fusion program.

Those who wish to lay their hands on any of TRX equipment, which include RX gear, workout videos, and accessories, may find them at

Source: Press Release

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