Alternative Medicine Guide

Conventional practices in medicine may have reached dizzying new heights today with the possibilities of organ transplants and gene therapy, but the trend of reaching out to alternative medicine among people is becoming increasingly popular by the day. This is partly due to the rise of incurable or hard-to-treat diseases among people who have found no hope in modern medicine and partly due to the hard-to-ignore benefits that alternative medicine has shown on other people who have tried it and have become healthier as a result. People who had been unsuccessfully fighting serious illnesses like cancer for years using conventional methods such as chemotherapy found significant improvements when they decided to try Vitamin C infusions instead.

Alternative medicine encompasses a lot more than the usual massage therapy and acupuncture. It includes a wide variety of treatments such as dietary supplements, herbal preparations, megadose vitamins, magnet therapy as well as spiritual healing accompanied with yoga. Ayurveda and Chinese medicine have aptly demonstrated how the body can be healed using substances readily available in nature. Other techniques involving mind-body interventions such as meditation and mental healing continue to reinforce the practicality of alternative medical practices and are attracting more people each day towards them.

Describe Soma Side Effects?

After running for a mile almost on the daily basis I need to relax my muscle so that it does not get jammed. When I come back from running, leg muscles also pain sometimes. Due to the pain I do not feel like running next day. But in o

Lipoma Treatment?

I am 24 years of age and suffering from lipoma of neck. There is one big lipoma protruding right from my neck. It stated to grow in diameter one year back and I had this lipoma problem for 2 years. Its in my neck region so it can cause some r

Popular essential oils used in aromatherapy

Oils are well known for their benefits and wide range of usage. Most of them are used for treating various health conditions; some make your cooking more engaging and most importantly, in aromatherapy. Before buying it is better to know the benefits

Aromatherapy oils

Basics of aromatherapy

Aromatherapy is an alternative therapy, which is highly popular in beauty business but at the same time is equally effective in curing various ailments. Aromatherapy basically uses essential oils extracted from plants, leaves, bark, and other parts of p

Aromatherapy is relaxing

How To Lose 20 Pounds In A Week?

Hello to everyone!I am 35 years old.My height is 6.2″ and I am weighing around 165 pounds.My whole family is advicing me to cut down my weight.I have tried the slim sauna belt but with very little effect.My trainer has chalked out a weight reducing pla


  The Unani medicine was originated in Greece or Unan. The scientific status to Unani medicine was given by the great Hippocrate. It is based on the principle of four humors Dum (blood), Balgham (Phlegm), …

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Tai Chi

  Tai chi is martial art in the form of meditative exercises for the body, based on the ancient Chinese Tao philosophy. Tai chi is known as “moving meditation” – as it involves slow, smooth, …

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Shiatsu Therapy

  Shiatsu is one of the ancient holistic healing techniques. It was introduced in Japan from China. “Shiatsu” means “finger pressure” in Japanese. The fingers are used to apply pressure on the body, so as …

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Reiki Therapy

  Reiki is a Japanese word meaning “universal life energy”; it was rediscovered by Dr.Mikao Usui, in Japan. In reiki therapy, the unseen universal energy is transmitted, by the reiki master using the “laying on …

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Reiki Therapy

Nutritional Therapy

  It is said “You are what you EAT”. Nutrition plays major role in over all growth of a person since birth. The importance of nutrition had been known since civilization. The nutritional therapy is …

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