Alternative Medicine Guide

Conventional practices in medicine may have reached dizzying new heights today with the possibilities of organ transplants and gene therapy, but the trend of reaching out to alternative medicine among people is becoming increasingly popular by the day. This is partly due to the rise of incurable or hard-to-treat diseases among people who have found no hope in modern medicine and partly due to the hard-to-ignore benefits that alternative medicine has shown on other people who have tried it and have become healthier as a result. People who had been unsuccessfully fighting serious illnesses like cancer for years using conventional methods such as chemotherapy found significant improvements when they decided to try Vitamin C infusions instead.

Alternative medicine encompasses a lot more than the usual massage therapy and acupuncture. It includes a wide variety of treatments such as dietary supplements, herbal preparations, megadose vitamins, magnet therapy as well as spiritual healing accompanied with yoga. Ayurveda and Chinese medicine have aptly demonstrated how the body can be healed using substances readily available in nature. Other techniques involving mind-body interventions such as meditation and mental healing continue to reinforce the practicality of alternative medical practices and are attracting more people each day towards them.

5 Main types of alternative medicines

The CAM or the complementary and alternative medicine is a diverse group of heath care and medical systems, products and practices are usually not considered as a part of the conventional medicine, otherwise known as allopathic or western medicine. Most

Alternative medicines

Yoga poses for insomnia

A number of people across the world suffer from insomnia today. However, insomnia is not an illness in itself. It may be a symptom of some other chronic condition or a side effect of certain prescription pills. Treating insomnia through medication may w

Yoga postures for insomnia

Best stress relieving yoga exercises while you are flying

Are you sick of long airplane travels? Well, who wouldn’t be? Flights are long, boring and very tiring. But there is a way apart from listening to the music that can make your flight interesting, productive and much less tiring, the Airplane Yoga. Airplan

stress relieving yoga exercise

Can you work while having electroconvulsive therapy?

Has anyone on here had electroconvulsive therapy and what was your experience? And tell that can we work while having electroconvulsive therapy. I have decided to have ECT, and I’m worried about my taking a leave of absence from work. During the weeks whe

Are there any spas that can provide relaxation therapy?

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A glimpse on naturopathy

Naturopathy is a 19th century word meaning “nature cure”. It is a healing system inspired by the power of nature. As our body is made up of five major components – air, water, sunlight, earth, and space, naturopathic doctors strive to cure the disea


Homeopathy: Basics

Homeopathy is the best alternative and safe form of natural medical system to treat an individual. The main principle of this medical system is based on medicines, which are found in the lap of nature. It is completely different from the conventional We


How to stay awake throughout when it is necessary?

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Describe Soma Side Effects?

After running for a mile almost on the daily basis I need to relax my muscle so that it does not get jammed. When I come back from running, leg muscles also pain sometimes. Due to the pain I do not feel like running next day. But in o

Lipoma Treatment?

I am 24 years of age and suffering from lipoma of neck. There is one big lipoma protruding right from my neck. It stated to grow in diameter one year back and I had this lipoma problem for 2 years. Its in my neck region so it can cause some r

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