All you need to know about Upward Abdominal Lock

Upward Abdominal Lock

Also known as Uddiyana Bandha, the Upward Abdominal Lock is a seemingly difficult yoga pose that turns out to be an effortless one when practiced regularly. However, when you actually start learning this bandha, you should prefer starting it in standing position rather than doing it in a sitting position. After you’ve gained some experience, you can always move to the sitting position. Other suggestions include doing it on an empty stomach and that too, after an exhalation; never even try to do it after an inhalation.

Steps involved

1. First, you need to stand with your feet away from each other and your eyes open. We would recommend that you practice the Upward Abdominal Lock with your torso curved forward, knees bent and your hands resting on your knees. However, the Iyengar practice says that you should first bend your torso forward, perform Uddiyana Bandha and then stand in Tadasana or Mountain Pose with your hands resting on your hips.

2. Now, inhale through your nose, and then exhale forcibly. Contract your abdominal muscles to allow air to release from your lungs.

3. Now, relax your abdominal muscles while expanding your rib cage, but don’t inhale while doing so. Further, try to lift your abdominals toward your spine.

4. Finally, try to hold the bandha for 10-20 seconds and then, release the pose while inhaling as you normally do. Perform at least 5-7 rounds.


1. The Upward Abdominal Lock helps you strengthen your abdomen, thorax and diaphragm, while soothing your solar plexus, heart and lungs.

2. When correctly done, it helps increase gastric fire and improves digestion, assimilation and elimination.

3. Moreover, it facilitates abdominal and cervical blood circulation.

4. Finally, it allows the energy of the lower belly to mingle with navel and heart energies.


Those suffering with stomach or intestinal ulcers, hernia, heart disease, high blood pressure or glaucoma should avoid practicing Uddiyana Bandha. Moreover, menstruation or pregnant women shouldn’t do it as well.

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