Ustrasana – All you need to know about Camel Pose or Ustrasana


Since most yoga poses draw their basic inspiration from living creatures and non-living objects around us, we could perceive cogent similarity between their etymological origin and the final pose. Ustrasana or the Camel Pose derives its origin from Sanskrit words Ustra and asana which mean camel and pose respectively. Ustrasana seeks to strengthen your body parts while allowing them to stretch to their limits and providing them the much-needed flexibility. This deep backbend pose helps yogis stretch their frontal body parts including quadriceps, chest and abdomen, aside from improving spinal flexibility.

Here we have created a brief tutorial that leads you through steps included, associated benefits and cautions as well:

Steps Involved

1. It’s always advised to warm up your body before doing Ustrasana. First you need to sit on your knees at hips distance apart.

2. Now, start pushing your spine and abdomen upward as to allow your back, head and thighs create a right angle with your lower legs.

3. Now, push your pelvis forward and lengthen your spine as you bring your hands down to your lower back. While you do so, your fingertips should point downward.

4. Next, let your head tilt backwards and allow your shoulder blades to follow the similar motion. As you inhale, place your left arm on left heel. Allow your right arm to rest on the right heel.

5. Finally, lift up your chest gently and stretch your spine while making sure that you don’t overdo it with your head as you move it back. Hold this position for 30 seconds to a minute.


1. The Ustrasana or Camel Pose helps you tackle minor respiratory ailments with confidence as you focus on breathing pattern in this pose.

2. Those anxious souls and fatigued bodies should find this yoga pose soothing, to say the least.

3. Since yogis need to flex their spine, this helps them relieve backache. Moreover, it allows them to stretch their thighs, groins and ankles as well.

4. Women who experience menstrual discomfort may reap the rich benefits of Camel Pose.

5. Finally, the Ustrasana helps one to improve seating posture and stimulate abdominal organs.


Those suffering with high or low blood pressure, migraine, insomnia, back or neck injury should strictly avoid this pose.

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