Janu Sirsasana – Know the ins and outs of Janu Sirsasana

Janu Sirsasana

Also known as Head-to-Knee Pose,Head-to-Knee Forward Bend,Head of the Knee Pose,or Head-on-Knee Pose, the Janu Sirsasana derives its etymological origin from Sanskrit words janu (meaning knee), sirsa (head) and asana (pose, posture or seat). This yoga pose helps you strengthen and stretch your hips, groins and hamstrings. Moreover, if you want to relieve anxiety, menstrual discomfort or fatigue, you will find Janu Sirsasana pretty effective in doing so.

However, before you attempt this pose, you definitely need to know about how to do it exactly. Here is a brief tutorial that sheds ample light on steps involved, benefits and general cautions:

Steps Involved

1. First you need to sit on the floor in Staff Pose or Dandasana. Now bend your left knee and bring your left foot to your inner-right thigh, closer to the groin. Your right toe should point upward.

2. Now turn your torso so that it folds over the extended leg and take a forward bend over it.

3. Press the back of the right thigh toward the floor and slowly, bring your chest and head down toward the extended leg.

4. Keep extending the spine on each inhale. While you exhale, keep deepening the forward bend.

5. As long as it’s in your comfort zone, you may place your hands on the floor or hold on to the extended leg. Finally, repeat the pose with the other leg.


1. Janu Sirsasana helps you stretch your spine, shoulders, groins and hamstrings.

2. People with mild or acute depression, anxiety, fatigue and headache should do the Head-to-knee pose regularly.

3. Aside from improving digestion, this pose also stimulates your liver and kidneys.

4. The Janu Sirsasana yoga pose helps cure high blood pressure, insomnia and sinusitis.

5. Highly beneficial for women, this pose helps them relieve menopause symptoms and menstrual discomfort. Moreover, it helps expectant mothers strengthen their back muscles.


People suffering with asthma, diarrhea and knee injury should avoid this pose.

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