Recently two questions struck my mind on curiosity and meditation. Is it meditation that enhances a curious mind or is it the curious mind that wishes to explore meditation?
A curious mind wishes to explore everything that triggers it’s senses. It can get so deep into any particular subject that the urge to explore further increases with every new thing that it comes across in the process. Meditation is closely related to this kind of chain reaction.
Meditation is deep and vast. There is practically no limit upto which one can meditate. The experience differs from person to person and this induces more curiosity in the mind to explore.
What is meditation?
To put it simply, it is focus and contemplation. Once your mind is able to bring all of its attention in one place and reflect upon it, that’s when you are in a state of meditation. Any activity done with such outright concentration can be considered as meditating state.
What is curiosity?
You shouldn’t interchange curiosity with instability. A curious mind will have an energy that will push it towards opening up locked doors and unexplored places; whereas instability directly affects the mood and will keep you stuck in one particular place.What is curiosity?
You shouldn’t interchange curiosity with instability. A curious mind will have an energy that will push it towards opening up locked doors and unexplored places; whereas instability directly affects the mood and will keep you stuck in one particular place.
So is it the curious mind that wishes to explore meditation?
Yes, curiosity is a major kickstart to meditation for sure but then is it meditation that enhances a curious mind? Yes, even this is interconnected. Meditation will enhance and create an urge in the curious mind and then the process continues from there. This will keep growing once the mind gets the appetite for it.
Meditation, infact, falls under alternative medicines.
When you meditate, you get your mind, body and in turn actions and emotions in alignment. This helps create a good balance. When the mind is good, it gives all the right instructions to the body, all in the right direction.
In simpler terms, your body is relaxed, mind is relaxed, there is psychological balance and also physical balance in you. This will help to keep imbalances at bay which will keep you away from all kinds of illnesses.
In both the cases, be it triggered by curiosity or be it triggered by the state of meditation, the exuberance is powerful. Sitting in peace for at least five minutes on a daily basis can work wonders. You need not stop the thoughts coming in your head during this time. In fact you must allow all the thoughts to come and once the minds gets used to them, they will automatically calm down.