Leadership is not all about influencing others and make them do or think along similar lines that you want them to; instead, this action or personality trait is the ability to garner required support and aid from your aides to accomplish a common task that benefits the society. Not anyone who has followers is a leader unless he or she can organize them properly to realize a common objective. Dr Prem’s Leadership Guide is all about helping readers understand the concept of leadership, learn the ways to lead, and channelize their capabilities to become a leader.
Written by Dr Prem, a strategic leader, renowned author, publisher and highly acclaimed global speaker, Dr Prem’s Leadership Guide dispels various myths surrounding leadership so that they could understand the concept fully and make possible efforts to develop this quality. In his guidebook, Dr Prem aims to tell readers about things they should learn from failure, essential qualities they should have to lead businesses, things one should do become a successful entrepreneur, synergistic working ambience, business strategies, the ways to teach leadership, and the aptitude to garner public response and support.
Having led different organizations and worked in different capacities, none understands leadership better than Dr Prem does and he transfers his years of experience to readers through the Leadership Guide. Written in a crisp and informative manner, Dr Prem’s Leadership Guide makes the process of developing leadership quality easier for readers.
Dr Prem’s Leadership Guide intends to tell readers about the concept of leadership and ways to lead others in different situations. The guidebook reflects author’s years of experience; accordingly, he ensures to touch different leadership topics and do justice with each one of them.