Where we have to undergo surgery, it is necessary to understand whether we really require surgery and the condition of body. This waiting time is frustrating and can make you feel helpless. You can however utilize this time to explore your inner self and make a wellness plan to follow.
Developing a Wellness Plan
You can make use of this wait time to develop your focus. As a first step, in this regard you can concentrate more on breathing which in turn will result in slowing down breathing process and shift your attention towards inner self. Few times a day focus on your breathing and try to exhale longer with the aim of slowing it down.
How to deepen your breath
One easy method that can help you deepen your breath is to keep the hands on hips so that thumbs are at the back and finger point forward. You will feel a difference in your breathing within five to ten breaths. For shallow breathers it will take some more time but they need to remain patient.
Similar to your focus it is important to improve your attitude towards life so that you are able to accept the situation you are in. You will have to stop blaming people as well as acknowledge all the feelings that come up in your mind. Search for gratitude within you and practice meditation that will suit you. Additionally, we would like to tell you that relaxation is the only way of experiencing inner peace and developing a feeling of wellbeing. Your wellness plan must emphasis more on developing positive attitude within you.
How to practice relaxation
The steps to practice relaxation will start with finding a quiet place where no one will disturb you. You will have to turn off your mobile phone or keep it in silent mode so that there is no disturbance while you are practicing relaxation. Next you will have to slowly start repeating these phrases, each around 2 to 4 times; My legs and feet are warm and heavy, My heart rate is regular and calm, My arms and hands are warm and heavy, My breaths are regular and slow. By repeating these phrases, you will be able to relax your mind and improve it further with regular practice.
Wait times can be prudently utilized to develop close relationship between mind and the body. Different yoga therapies are beneficial in achieving inner peace and a state of well being during these difficult waiting periods.