Nowadays, heart diseases, be they due to stressful lifestyle, faulty diet or genetically transmitted from parents, have become a common ailment in both old as well as young. If you are allergic to allopathic treatment and don’t want to carry the big pill box with you all the time, yoga offers an inspirational and healthy alternative to keep your heart pumping in high spirits. For yoga not only improves the heart rate of the people suffering from heart disease, but it’s good for healthy individuals as well. Following are some of the inspirational yoga poses that will help you cure heart disease.
Triangle Pose
To achieve this position, you have to stand straight and spread your legs a little wider than shoulders. Now raise your arms and reach out your right ankle with your right hand without twisting the upper body. Stay in this position for half a minute before repeating the pose on the other side. The Triangle Pose stimulates the abdominal organs and revitalizes kidneys.
Warrior Pose
The Warrior Pose is named after the mythical warrior sage, Virabhadra. Apart from improving the mental capacity and self control, this pose shapes and tones the lower body. To achieve this position, simply stand straight and split your legs apart to shift the left foot out at 15° and right at 90° angle. Then, lift your arms from sides to the level of your shoulder with palms facing the roof, mover head in the direction of the right shoulder and bend the right knee. Breathe deep and stay in this position for about 30 seconds, and repeat the same pose to the other side. The warrior pose eradicates negative vibes and infuse positive energy in your body and mind.
Tree Pose
In this pose, you have to stand straight and with arms by your sides and feet close to each other. Now bend the right leg, at the knee, to rest it on the root of left thigh, and raise hands over your head to bring the palms together. Keep your arms and left leg as straight as possible. Stay in this position for about 30 seconds, before repeating the pose on the other leg.
Lotus Pose or Padmasana
The Lotus Pose or Padmasana controls your breath or heart rate to keep your body and mind calm and composed. To achieve this position, you have to sit on the floor with crossed legs and place your hands on knees with palms facing the roof. Keep your back as straight as possible and breathe deep for about 5 minutes.
The Mountain Pose or Tadasana
The Mountain Pose or Tadasana aligns your body and make you feel slimmer and optimistic. In this pose, you have to distribute the body weight evenly on your toes and heels, and keep the body in an upright position with arms hanging in a relaxed mode. Stay in this position for about 30 seconds.
Corpse Pose or Shavasana
The Corpse Pose or Shavasana is perhaps the most significant pose, which refreshing your body and mind. In this pose, you have to lie flat on the floor on your back and position your legs and arms at about 45°. Make sure that your back, legs and arms are in a relaxing position. Now, breathe deep to relax your whole body. Hold this position for around 45 seconds.