Treat acne the naturopathic way: Natural remedies that really work

Treat acne the naturopathic way: Natural remedies that really work

Conventional acne treatment often recommends topical ointments such as benzoyl peroxide to treat acne. This type of treatment does prevent the symptoms but overlooks the actual root cause of the problem. Naturopathy identifies and treats the root cause often using natural methods. In order to draw up a patient specific plan, the patient undergoes few tests and physical exams which help in identifying the cause of acne, type of acne and its underlying conditions. The treatment includes changes in diet, lifestyle and inclusion of physical activity and naturopathic supplements.


The medicinal properties of certain herbs prove to be beneficial to prevent acne. These herbs are either applied topically or taken orally to treat acne. Juniper, lavender, chamomile, bergamot, burdock root, dandelion root, thyme, red clover, turmeric, angelica, horsetail, lemon grass, calendula are some of the popular herbs that have been used since ages immemorial to treat acne. These herbal remedies when applied topically, are applied on the affected site. These help to reduce the inflammation and infection. If taken orally, it improves the strength of toxic elimination of the system, cleanses the blood, sets right the hormonal imbalances and improves digestion to leave with a clearer skin. Though the benefits of these herbs are not backed by scientific claims, these are found to be safer, more effective and inexpensive than the commercial antibiotics and acne-creams found in the market. Researches show that certain herbal preparations such as thyme kill the acne causing bacteria as quick as five minutes of application.


Naturopathy also makes use of essential oils to treat acne. These are quite instrumental in healing and preventing acne to a large extent. These can act as the first line of defense to kill the acne causing bacteria. Some of them are gentle in nature and heals the inflammation quite effectively. However, there are some essential oils that are not suitable for skin application due to their volatile nature. Such oils need a slight dilution before application on the area. Geranium, rosewood, pepper mint, eucalyptus, sandalwood, tea tree, lavender, lemon grass are some of the popular essential oils used to reduce and prevent the symptoms of acne. These oils have pleasant smell and have anti-bacterial properties and antimicrobial compounds which make an ideal choice to treat acne. These are also effective in treating acne scars. Essential oils are generally mixed with other organic or virgin oil depending on the skin type.

Lots of sunshine and air

Naturopathy reinforces the need of getting enough sunshine and air and encourages enough physical activity to boost the immune system naturally. Exercising pushes out the toxins lying underneath the skin through sweat. It thus helps to cleanse the blood and its circulation. Stress and other psychological factors also cause the outbreak of acne. Therefore, exercise relieves the stress to reduce the intensity of the breakouts. Yoga, meditation are beneficial for overall physical health and also reduces the stress levels. Ensure that there is enough perspiration in any of the exercises done. This helps to remove all the toxins. Also, it is quite important to shower once back from gym/exercising since the sweat leaves the body through the pores taking along the dead skin cells. If left on the skin unclean, the sweat leaves the salt on the skin when it evaporates. This can lead to blockage of the clean pores. So, have a thorough wash of the face and body with a moisturizer that will help recover the moisture lost during workout.


As the name suggests, this therapy uses water to treat various diseases including acne. This ancient therapy has been used for ages by the Greeks and the Romans. Hydrotherapy uses the body’s response to cold and hot stimuli which helps in the stimulation of the immune system, production of hormones, improved circulation, and digestion to reduce the symptoms of the disease.

a. Colon hydrotherapy is another therapy where small amounts of water are introduced into the colon to flush out the bacteria and parasites. This treats several health conditions including acne.

b. Cold compress is used on the affected area followed by hot compress to stimulate the blood flow to the skin.

Stress management

Though stress is one of the reasons behind acne, naturopaths consider treating or prescribe ways to manage the stress. Stress leads to severe outbreaks due to increased hormone production and weakened immunity system. Managing stress efficiently will help to alleviate the symptoms.

a. Sleep: Have a minimum eight hours of sleep to help the body nurture and recover. Going to bed at the same time every day helps to get sound sleep. Listening to relaxing music, having a cup of warm milk, not watching TV or working on the computer a few hours before sleep time, leads to undisturbed and peaceful sleep.

b. Constipation: Stress can lead to constipation which can in turn cause acne breakouts. Consider adding more fiber to the daily diet, mild laxative to relieve constipation. Once the body flushes out the toxins, it naturally brings down the acne inflammation.

c. Visualization exercises: One of the great ways to beat stress is to practice guided imagery. It helps in making people more relaxed by handling conflict in a better way. Visualizing doing well in the tasks can help improve performance. Increased performance tends to lower stress levels.


Naturopaths recommend diet that is helpful and prescribe a list of foods that are great offenders to fight off acne. Some of the worst offenders that encourage acne flare-ups are:

a. Processed foods high in salt or sugar: People suffering from acne must avoid sugars and carbohydrates which increase the glucose content among the patients.

b. Milk: Few people are lactose intolerant which may cause acne inflammation. Such people are advised to reduce the intake of dairy and dairy products.

c. Greasy foods: Foods that are high in oil also trigger off acne breakouts. Also, they must avoid the use of oily cosmetics which clogs the skin heavily. Chocolates, fried foods must be completely avoided for faster results.

Nutrition: The diet intake must be high in protein yet light in carbohydrates. Include lots of whole grains, fruits, vegetables, sprouts, sea weeds, up the zinc intake to reduce the intensity of acne inflammation. Have foods that are rich in omega 3 fatty acids such as flax-seed and sardines. A whole food diet that is rich in fiber is important to flush the toxins and improve the blood circulation.


One of the naturopathic cures for acne includes treatment with acupuncture. Acupuncture works quickly and also is a long lasting cure. It is an ancient Chinese practice to cure acne. The practitioners examine the tongue to diagnose the patient’s body chemistry. It gives subtle informati
on on the underlying cause for the ailment. The treatment uses needle, which is pricked into the skin at certain acupuncture points. It is shown that when the point is needled, the energy at the point increases and promotes healing of the skin. Acupuncture also balances the hormones and reduces the oil secretion which is generally more in acne prone skin. It regulates the hormonal balance and makes the skin clearer. It also increases the body’s immunity responses to deal with the bacteria that cause acne cysts. The practitioner will also suggest a healthy diet, exercise and to avoid oily make up that can aggravate the inflammation.

Traditional Chinese medicine

Naturopaths are increasingly recommending the use of Chinese herbal therapy which combines herbs that helps in flushing of toxins, strengthening of immunity and healing of the skin. Traditional Chinese medicine treatment involves herbs such as sileris root, gardenia, forsythia, scutellaria, platycodon, angelica root, peony, buplerum, dahurian angelica, Japanese catnip, ligusticum, licrorice, Chinese wolfberry root, honeysuckle flower, portule herb, pine pollen, figwort root, densefruit pittany root bark, amur cork tree bark, and belvedere fruit. These herbs are placed in earthen pot adding enough water and are brought to a boil on low heat. The herbs are strained to get a hot cup of herbal tea. This is one of the ancient methods of curing and prevents the symptoms of acne prone skin.


Few naturopaths recommend the intake of vitamin supplements to protect the overall health of the skin. One can consume these essential vitamins either in their natural form or in the form of supplements to prevent acne breakouts.

a. Vitamin C: Naturally found in vegetables and fruits such as guava, papaya, cantaloupe, grape fruit, kiwi, strawberries, green peppers, horse radish and spinach.

b. Vitamin E: Avocado, guava, mulberries, papaya, peach, pumpkin, spirulina and potatoes.

c. Vitamin A: Tomatoes, watermelon, mango, cantaloupe, broccoli, cabbage, spinach, squash and sweet potato.

d. Vitamin B Complex: Whole grains, pork, sea food, banana, citrus fruits and nuts.

Vitamin B6: Broccoli, mango, lychee, pineapple, dates, sprouts, French beans and kale.

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