Integrative medicine is the choice of 80 percent cancer patients.

Breast Cancer - Integrative Medicine
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Being diagnosed with cancer can make someone feel completely helpless and vulnerable. It is a life altering disease which has the potential to demolish all your plans and dreams. Treating cancer with the help of only conventional medicine generally involves regular chemo therapies, multiple surgeries and hormonal therapies to prevent the spread of the deadly disease. The Oncologists provide specialized care for different types of cancer. They look at your cancerous tumor or lump and can tell you at which stage of the disease you are but they cannot look beyond that. Cancer is a vile disease that breaks your spirit and makes you weak from inside. A cancer patient needs intensive care and complete support to fight the disease and get rid of it. Only integrative medicine offers full support to the cancer patients. It uses both a conventional and a holistic approach to improve the chances of survival of the cancer patients. This is the cause why 80% cancer patients have turned to integrative medicine.


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No one wants to give up the control of their life in the hands of a bunch of learned oncologists and doctors. A cancer patient who used to be at the helm of his or her life would like to be a part of the treatment process and have a grip over the things happening to them. Integrative medicine gives priority to the patients instead of focusing just on the ailment. The diseased person here is given more importance and made part of the entire treatment procedure. The integrative oncologist works with the cancer patient forming a team and does not subordinate the wills and needs of the patients. This has made patients more interested in getting integrative medical treatments for fighting cancer.

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Cancer can make a patient rattled and scared. They lose their inner peace and appetite for life. To successfully fight cancer a patient has to be mentally strong. Integrative medicine helps in strengthening a patient from within and builds resistance so that the disease is forced to leave the patient. Patients feel more empowered and learn to deal with the stress involved with the treatment of cancer. Integrative medicine treats every cancer patient individually by analyzing his or her past medical records, lifestyle, food habits and environment. For each patient the treatment for cancer varies according to their special needs.

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