Home remedies to manage malaria fever

Home remedies to manage malaria fever
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cinnamon along with pepper and honey image title eittu

While suffering from malaria, it is very important to take necessary steps to stop the advancement of the disease. Home remedies are preferred for the treatment because they do not have any side effects and are easily accessible. If you are suffering from malaria be more concerned about your personal hygiene and immediately start eating freshly prepared, home cooked food. Strictly ban the usage of excess oil and other fattening agents from your daily diet. Here are a few methods to treat this dangerous disease with the help of home remedies. These remedies can prove miraculously useful in the treatment and management of malaria.

Cinnamon along with pepper and honey
cinnamon along with pepper and honey image title eittu

Cinnamon is an excellent remedy to manage malaria symptoms. When cinnamon is combined with honey and pepper in an appropriate amount, it can prove to be a magical medicine to fight against malarial fever. The most frightening aspect of this disease is a high body temperature, which can be brought under control with the help of cinnamon tea. Boil a glass full of water and mix one tablespoon of grounded cinnamon powder to it. Add a pinch of pepper powder and a little honey to the boiling water. Take the beverage off the flame and drink it lukewarm. This tea is not only helpful in treating malaria symptoms but at the same time boosts your immune system.

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Importance of grapefruit
importance of grapefruit image title myahy

Grapefruit can be helpful in treating malaria if consumed regularly. The fruit contains a natural substance similar to quinine. It is also one of the cheapest sources of quinine. To obtain the best out of the grapefruit in order to treat malaria, one should drink the extract obtained after boiling it. Take a quarter of a grapefruit and boil it in water. Now to separate the pulp, strain the boiled mixture. Drink the juice hence obtained. This juice is very effective in treating malaria.

An effective herb: Dhatura

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An Ayurvedic Indian herb with a common name, dhatura has the capability of developing resistance to malaria. Pick up a few fresh leaves of dhatura and crush them with jaggery. Rub the two ingredients together and make small balls out of them. You can make balls out of the leaves by rubbing them in between your palms or in a stone grinder. These balls are supposed to be consumed two hours before the disease intensifies. This home remedy is one of the easiest for the treatment for malaria. Swertia andrographis paniculata (common name chirayata) is a sister plant of dhatura which is very effective in bringing down high body temperature. An extract of chirayata can be obtained by boiling thirty grams of its leaves in half liter of water for fifteen minutes. This extract can be consumed after it has cooled down and has been strained.

Lemon and lime are therapeutic

Lemon along with lime is reliable for the treatment of malaria. Take about fifty milliliters of water and mix three grams of lime juice or one lemon to it. It is recommended to drink this solution when one starts observing a rise in the body temperature while suffering from malaria. It is also suggested to rely on the orange juice and water diet at the initial stage of the disease. Drinking an appropriate amount of water helps to re-hydrate your body and is very helpful in flushing out the toxins. This is a very easy formula to fight against malaria. A person suffering from malaria can also eat oranges directly just to avoid the trouble of making juice.

Basil is the best herbal drug to treat malaria
basil is the best herbal drug to treat malaria image title ovb6w

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Antibacterial and disinfectant properties can be found in the basil leaves. The herb has immense capacity to kill microorganisms and parasites. It is best to eat raw basil for the treatment of malaria. However, it is also advisable to make tea out of basil leaves to extract its medicinal properties to the max. Add a little amount of honey to the tea for natural sweetening. There are also capsules of basil available in the market. It is recommended to plant a basil plant in your kitchen garden for fresh basils every day. You can also chew the raw basil leaves simply after washing them under running water for the treatment.

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