DIY health – Cinnamon – The miracle spice and its benefits



Cinnamon is known for it is wonderful aroma and the flavor that it brings to food. Apart from using in food, it also has some potential health benefits. It is the volatile oil present in cinnamon which gives them these healing properties. In ancient time on wards it has been used for colds, flu, diarrhea etc. Recently, it has been found that cinnamon can be used to control type 2 diabetes by bringing down blood sugar. By taking half a teaspoon of cinnamon per day, it can bring down LDL cholesterol level. It has anti-inflammatory property which means it can reduce the inflammation of internal tissues and organs. This inflammation happens due to excess eating of oily and fatty food which can directly harm your heart. It is also a rich source of iron, manganese and calcium.

This is a miracle spice and the things it can do to our health are really amazing. By chewing or even smelling this can boost up the brain function. It is a natural preservative because the oil in it can fight microorganisms like bacteria, fungus and yeast. It can even prevent cancer by reducing rapid increase of leukemia and lymphoma cancer cells. If you have any problem with indigestion like stomach upset, diarreah, bloating, have cinnamon. This has been used in traditional medicine long time ago for indigestion. The anti-clotting property of cinnamon helps those with high blood pressure. It will help blood to flow freely and avoid the block in arteries.

Toothache, which can be a real headache, can get rid of the pain by making a paste of cinnamon mixed with honey. Apply this paste to the affected areas daily 2 or 3 times. It will give you relief. It happens mainly due to the bacteria which slowly eats away the teeth enamel and gives you the excruciating pain. The anti-microbial properties of cinnamon will help to fight these bacteria. People who are suffering from arthritis this spice is a real boon. Mixing cinnamon with one table spoon of honey and having it every day can reduce the pain in the joints and can move around without much pain.

These are some of the health benefits but that doesn’t mean you should consume it in large quantities. Cinnamon has toxic compound known as coumarin which can cause liver and kidney damage if consumed in large quantities. Before taking it as a supplement it is always good to consult your doctor to know whether it will have adverse effect. Cinnamon’s are of two types-Cassia cinnamon and Ceylon cinnamon. The first one is readily available in any grocery store. Ceylon cinnamon is slightly expensive therefore is not easily available. It is sweeter than the other one, therefore considered to be of higher quality. By taking a little pinch of cinnamon now and then won’t harm you in anyway.

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