Bipolar Disorder Alternative Medicine

Bipolar Disorder Alternative Medicine

Bipolar Disorder: Alternative Medicine

Top Alternative Medicine

1. Acupuncture:

Acupuncture is an authentic ancient Chinese practice of alternative healing for various health conditions. Acupuncture is believed to heal depression; however sufficient research is yet to be conducted to prove its effectiveness for bipolar syndrome. Acupuncture can be tried out by anyone as the method does not carry any side effects.

2. Therapies for bipolar disorder:

Various types of therapies including Cognitive Behavioral Therapy and Dialectical Behavioral Therapy work wonders in the treatment for bipolar conditions. Direct, open sessions with the psychiatrist help patients recollect various events and occurrences culminating into mood swing episodes. Therapies help patients to exercise better control on bipolar mood swings. Massage therapy has also proved beneficial for bipolar patients. As bipolar patients generally suffer sleep disorders, massage therapy helps regain normal sleep by relieving stress.

3. Yoga and meditation:

Yoga and meditation both have been proved excellent alternative healing treatments for bringing back the normal mind stability. The practice is extremely beneficial for bipolar treatment and even works more effectively than conventional medicines in some cases.

4. St. John’s wort:

Like SAMe, St. John’s wort is also a helpful antidepressant, but has all the potential to induce mania in some patients. St. John’s wort, otherwise, is a useful herb, and is prescribed in mild unipolar depression. It is extremely important that St. John’s wort should only be taken under a doctor’s supervision, as the chances of its possible interaction with other drugs are quite high.

5. S-adenosyl-L-methionine (SAMe):

Similar to SSRI (selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor) antidepressants, SAMe works to fight depression effectively, but can cause mania in some bipolar patients. The SAMe amino acid is a natural substance found in the body, and its role in bipolar treatment needs examination by psychosis experts.

6. Magnesium:

Deficiency of magnesium may lead to irregular mood swings. Studies have shown that proper source of magnesium helps control the frequency of mood cycles of mania in bipolar patients. Magnesium deficiency is found among diabetic patients, alcohol abusers, and people with multiple medical conditions. But, recent studies have linked magnesium deficiency with irregular mood swings.

7. Omega-3 fatty acids:

Though experts are still exploring the facts, it is evidently seen that manic depressive illness is less in the areas of the globe where people eat fish as part of their regular diet. Fresh water fish are abundant sources of omega-3 fatty acids. Intake of high levels of omega-3 fatty acid strengthens brain function and helps fight depressive state of mind. Doctors often prescribe omega-3 rich diet supplements as antidepressants to bipolar patients.

8. Vitamin C and vitamin E:

Again, a high level of vanadium is found among bipolar people, which could apparently be brought under control through vitamin C intake. Recently, vitamin E has been said helpful in fighting depression; however no empirical research has been conducted yet to back such claims.

9. Essential vitamin B complex:

A proper balance of vitamins control recurrent episodes of manic depression. Bipolar patients should specifically check their intake of folic acid, as folate deficiency leads to depression. An ideal concentration of vitamin B complex, which includes B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B7, B12 and folic acid, is also important to strengthen nervous cells.

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