Arthritis Alternative Medicine


Arthritis: Alternative Medicine


Top Alternative Medicine

1. Potato

One of the best natural treatments for arthritis, potato juice is known to reduce inflammation and prevent the deposit of excess uric acid in the joints, both of which can cause pain. Take a potato and wash it thoroughly. Without peeling, cut it into small pieces and soak in drinkable water the entire night. This juice can be drunk first thing in the morning every day. Within a month you will see the difference in joint movement. Add some honey or other juices to make it more palatable.

2. Raw vegetable juices

The acidity level of the body can aggravate the symptoms of arthritis. Raw vegetable juices can keep the body alkaline and reduce the symptoms of arthritis. Any green leafy vegetable is adequate for consumption. Extract beetroot, carrot, spinach and coriander juices in equal amounts and mix well. This can be taken first thing in the morning, every day. Make it a habit if you suffer from severe joint inflammation and pain.

3. Pineapple

The anti-inflammatory properties of pineapple juice can be attributed to the enzyme bromelain present in it. Drink one glass of undiluted and freshly squeezed pineapple juice every day to keep the inflammation and pain under control. This can be done even while you are traveling provided you get fresh pineapple juice and not the canned variety.

4. Sesame seeds

Sesame seeds are rich in copper and, hence, good for relieving the dryness of the joints and pain associated with it. Take a teaspoon of black sesame seeds and soak in a glass of water overnight. Once the copper and other nutrients have been absorbed by the water, this can be drunk on an empty stomach. Persistent use will reduce the discomfort associated with arthritis and the flare ups can be controlled effectively as well.

5. Garlic

Garlic has great anti-inflammatory properties. Regular intake of 5 to 6 garlic cloves a day can help in relieving arthritic pain and inflammation. Your diet, too, can be steeped in garlic as it can help in treating many other diseases and infections of the body, including cancer. Including garlic for two weeks in your diet will show tremendous results. While traveling, using garlic could be a problem as it has a very distasteful odor that can linger in your body and breath. In such cases, garlic pills can be considered. Take the advice of a herbalist for the dosage.

6. Bananas

Vitamin deficiencies like that of vitamin B6 can aggravate arthritic conditions. Bananas are rich in vitamin B6, vitamin C and folate which are good for treating arthritis. For particularly severe flare ups, the patient is put on an exclusive diet of only bananas for 3 to 4 days. Eating 1 to 2 bananas, or as many as possible, every day will help control arthritis pain and symptoms.

7. Camphor and mustard oil

Camphor helps in removing inflammation and also increases the circulation of blood when it is used for massaging. Camphor also instills numbness when massaged into the area of pain and is a great way to treat pain associated with arthritis. Take three camphor pieces and add them to slightly warmed mustard oil which is anti-inflammatory in nature. This can be used for massaging the joints every day for 15 minutes. The increase in blood circulation and the anti-inflammatory properties of both the ingredients will help in treating the arthritic inflammation and pain. Do this twice daily.

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