Arrhythmia Alternative Medicine


Arrhythmia: Alternative Medicine

Top Alternative Medicine

1. Hawthorn

Hawthorn is one of the best herbs for curing arrhythmia naturally. It is used in various tonics meant for curing heart diseases. Hawthorn is a small shrub with fruits, leaves and flowers. These are processed into capsules and tinctures. Hawthorn extract has the ability to increase blood flow to the muscles of the heart. It helps to reduce the risk of heart attack. In certain tests carried out on humans and animals, hawthorn has showed its ability to improve contractability of heart muscle, steady the heart beat, improve cardiac performance and output, and lower peripheral vascular resistance. It also increases the heart’s tolerance for oxygen deficiency due to stress or if the arteries are partially blocked.

2. Reishi mushroom

Reishi mushroom is the king of herbs in Chinese culture. It has a lot of medicinal properties and is also known as the ‘all cure’ herb. The herbal extract contains ganideric acids, sterols, mannitol, coumarin and polysaccharides that prevent the risk of cardiovascular diseases. It helps to reduce the amount of cholesterol in the blood, reduces the stickiness of platelets, lowers blood pressure and corrects arrhythmia to some extent. As it has anti-inflammatory properties, it is also known to reduce joint pain and provide relief for arthritis patients.

3. Black cohosh

Popularly known as black snakeroot, black cohosh is considered to be an effective herb for curing arrhythmia. The herb is mainly used for curing circulatory and cardiovascular disorders, menstrual cramps, arthritis, menopausal symptoms and venomous snake bites. According to the University of Maryland Medical Center, the roots of the black cohosh are used in various herbal medicines. Black cohosh is available in various forms such as tinctures, capsules, tablets and dried herbs. It can be used as a soothing tea as well.

4. Linden

Linden is a herb with hypotensive and vasodilating effects. It has some positive effects on the coronary arteries and is greatly beneficial for patients suffering from arrhythmia and angina pectoris. Linden flowers have a long history of use in medicines to cure flu, common cold, anxiety, migraine headaches and insomnia. The wood of the herb is also used in medications for treating kidney stones, liver problems and gout. Linden is considered to be a safe herb. However, taking large doses may not be useful as it may be toxic and dangerous to the heart.

5. Valerian

Valerian is a great herb for curing arrhythmia. It is also used for treating conditions like anxiety neurosis, irritability, neurasthenia, palpitations, headaches, irritable colon and high blood pressure. It is considered to be great for relaxing the central nervous system. When used in the correct dosage, it provides restful sleep without any after effects. Valerian is beneficial for people suffering from depression, stomach cramping, delusions, multiple sclerosis, sciatica, uterine cramps, hypertension and stress related heart problems.

6. Magnesium

Magnesium has been found to be very effective for treating benign and serious arrhythmias. The condition may be caused due to less amount of magnesium in the body. Taking proper amounts of magnesium is necessary to keep your heart calm, stable and strong. Magnesium deficiency can also cause other conditions in the body such as muscle cramps, high blood pressure, erratic blood sugars etc. Magnesium supplements can also be used for reducing the risk of arrhythmia.

7. Yoga

Stress is one of the major reasons behind arrhythmia. Stress can be reduced in a number of ways including several relaxation techniques like yoga. Yoga is extremely beneficial for patients suffering from tachychardia (very fast heart rate) and arrhythmia. Patients practicing yoga are able to correct the condition within six months. Apart from this, yoga provides great relief from pain, enhances breathing, improves flexibility, strength, blood circulation, helps in weight management and cardiovascular conditioning, and provides inner peace.

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