Tai Chi: The ultimate source of energy

Tai Chi

Tai Chi

T’ai chi ch’uan, popularly referred to as Tai Chi, is a form of traditional Chinese martial art, which is practiced for its health benefit and defense training both. Tai Chi is also known for its recuperating benefits after injury or illness. Tai Chi is gradually becoming a popular form of healing. As per Chinese belief, all illnesses in a human body are caused due to imbalance in the flow of Chi, that is life energy. There can be yin or yang causing the stagnant, turbulent and incorrect flow of Chi in the blood and it can be recognized by the expert. The imbalance of yin or yang can be corrected by traditional Chinese medicine. As per the Chinese belief, the incorrect flow of Chi energy affects the body and mind of the patient and the healer has to be powerful to influence and correct the Chi flow in patient’s body. Tai Chi that includes physical exercise with deep breathing and mental focus corrects the flow of energy in one’s body, creating a healthier and fitter body and mind.

Tai Chi is fun to practice and is suitable for all age groups having different fitness levels. However, if you suffer any serious medical conditions or if you fall into the older age category, consult your physician before starting Tai Chi. Also Tai Chi must also be practiced under aTai Chi expert’s guidance. If you have any agility problems, share it with your Tai Chi instructor before practicing it.

Tai Chi has various health benefits. It is considered therapeutic as additional or alternate therapy. Tai Chi is also beneficial to avoid diseases. Here are the benefits of Tai Chi in different medical conditions.

Blood pressure: Tai Chi is a therapeutic practice for blood pressure. Blood pressure is a common problem, however, can be avoided by Tai Chi. It can lower systolic blood pressure and can correct the blood circulation. Tai Chi results into relaxed and toned muscles that improve venous blood flow.

Hypertension: Tai Chi is also beneficial to avoid and relieve symptoms of stress. Tai Chi works closely with the autonomic nervous system to make you relaxed and stress free.

Heart: Tai Chi also has therapeutic benefits for heart related conditions. Tai Chi is very rhythmic and flowing in nature and helps heart to circulate blood to flow thoroughly in the body. This leads to a gentle exercise of the heart without straining it. The relaxation aspects of Tai Chi also have positive effects and keep the heart healthy.

Musculature: Since Tai Chi is a weight bearing exercise, it also strengthens the bone along with relaxing and toning the muscles. Tai Chi helps in the strengthening of muscles without straining or damaging them.

Posture: Tai Chi can also correct the body posture. Tai Chi movements deal with postures by aligning them. Tai Chi creates the awareness and ability to have a neutral posture while performing Tai Chi activities.

Breathing: Tai Chi is also beneficial for breathing conditions like asthma. The comprehensive relaxation exercises bring great relief to asthma patients and results into good health. Tai Chi often gives long term benefits for asthma and other such conditions.

Lymphatic system: There are also several aspects of Tai Chi that helps the immune system, particularly the lymphatic system, making it stronger. The stronger immunity is the key to good health.

Better balance: Tai Chi techniques are also very useful for the balance training to master martial arts and other sports. As per a research, by practicing Tai Chi the falling rates in the people in older age group can be reduced by 47.5 percent.

Diabetes: Diabetes is very common condition in almost all age groups, however it needs to be controlled to avoid drastic results. Tai Chi has been proved to be beneficial by a medical research in avoidance and management of diabetes.

Parkinson’s disease: Parkinson is a disease common in old age. Tai Chi has proved to be very effective in Parkinson disease. Tai Chi has been recommended by Parkinson Disease Groups and Organizations as an effective and valuable component in management programs for Parkinson.

Post traumatic stress: Recuperating post traumatic experience is a difficult task, however, Tai Chi is a very effective practice in bringing in relaxation, harmony and balance between body and mind resulting into reduced stress hormones in the body.

Strokes: Stroke is severe medical condition and Tai Chi is a very beneficial practice for those suffering from stokes. Tai Chi with its distinguished form of exercise provides support to physiotherapy.

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