Strengthen your skeletal system with Yoga

Strengthen your skeletal system with Yoga

Do you frequently suffer from joint pain, backache, neck pain and other muscular disorders? The irregular sitting and working position may cause a lot of pain in the muscles and having painkillers regularly is only going to worsen the situation. Therefore, instead of suffering from a new disease, you can introduce ‘Yoga’ into your daily routine to deal with muscles and skeletal troubles.

The Musculoskeletal System is composed of Skeletal Muscles that helps in movement and protects the internal organ from any damage. The body is composed of 640 muscles, which comprise of more than fifty percent of the body weight. The modern lifestyle is posing a threat towards the skeletal system making the muscles tense and painful. To get rid of this problems there are some yogic tips that will help you out.


The muscles: Sitting in the same position for a long time can make the muscles tense, which in turn causes pain. You can always try some yogic stretching techniques to get rid of the pain.


The Skeleton: Our whole body movement is the combined effect of 206 bones in the body. There are many yoga asanas that help the joints in the body to be open and free. The poses help to relieve pressure on the muscles and relax them.


Yoga for the Knees: Knees are the main locomotive support of our body and injuries like Sprain, Strain, Tendonitis and Bursitis on knees are very common, making it difficult to move. Even Knees are vulnerable to diseases like arthritis and Osteoarthritis. Yoga asanas and poses make the knees more flexible and strengthen the muscle. It also makes the knees stronger and less receptive to injury. You can try Savasana, Pavanmuktasana, Trikonasana, Bhujangasana, and Salabhasana to get rid of knee problems.


Yoga for the Neck and Upper Back: There are many reasons for the pain in the neck and upper back portion of the body like muscle strain from overuse while working for a long time, poor posture while watching TV or travelling via flight and sometimes lack of or over exercise. If left like this it may cause some serious injuries. Yoga helps in toning down the neck and upper back muscle making them stronger and less susceptible to injuries. Some yoga asanas are Sukhasana, Surya Namaskar, Ardha Matsyendrasana, and Pavanamuktasana.


Yoga for the Back: Spinal Cord is one of the most vital parts of our body. When we think about spinal injuries then it can be worse as paralysis. Only different yoga postures can help like Savasana, Pavanamuktasana, Trikonasana, Bhujangasana, Marichyasana, Ardha Matsyendrasana and Bidalasana.


Yoga for Arthritis: There are 135 types of arthritis causing pain and stiffness in the body. This pain can be minimized by many postures like Sukhasana, Neck exercises, stretching exercises and Ankle bending and rotation.

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