Samadhi Yoga – guides your soul to a meditative state

Samadhi Yoga

Samadhi is a state of having reached a superior level of consciousness. Generally, the word Samadhi refers to attaining a meditative state so intense that activates your super consciousness, which makes breaking the tie with your physical body easier. Samadhi Yoga of course does not refer to trying to give up your physical body. Instead, it refers to an intense form of yoga that is primarily oriented towards guiding the body into a deep meditative state, rather than a physical workout alone.

How does Samadhi Yoga differ from regular yoga?

Most general forms of yoga focus on bringing your body in sync with your mind and spirit. These usually try to do this by alleviating physical ailments through physical asanas. The baser forms of yoga are thus oriented more towards promoting physical well being so that the practitioner is not bothered by physical troubles when he practices meditation or higher forms of yoga.

Samadhi Yoga is a higher form of yoga that does not deal so much with alleviating physical troubles or conditioning the body. Rather it deals with soothing the mind and allowing the practitioner to amplify the feeling of calm and inner peace.

When should one begin practicing Samadhi Yoga?

Generally, Samadhi Yoga should not be practiced without having performed or mastered the lower forms of yoga as it would defeat the philosophical purpose of this kind of yoga. However, most modern yoga classes allow people to take up Samadhi Yoga sessions even if they are absolute beginners.

What does Samadhi Yoga include?

A typical Samadhi Yoga session includes basic asanas or yoga postures, classical yoga breathing exercises i.e., pranayama and meditation. This makes it suitable for people with lower energy, physical ailments and disabilities, and seniors that cannot practice strenuous styles of yoga.

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