Magical yoga postures to prevent hair fall

Magical yoga postures to prevent hair fall

There are numerous reasons behind the fall of hair. Air pollution, heredity, side effects of some medicines or an underlying health problem can all lead to hair fall in individuals. Hair fall can start at any age. Doctors around the world advise leading a healthy lifestyle and consuming a balanced diet to prevent hair fall. Apart from this, yoga postures have been proved to be highly effective in treating the problem of hair fall. With the help of yoga postures, an individual can help eliminate many core problems, like stress or anxiety, which often lead to hair fall. Doing yoga can also help in balancing the energy centers of the body.

Diamond pose

One of the most common and effective yoga postures for fighting problems of hair fall is diamond pose. This is also known as Vajrasana. For performing this pose, an individual must first spread a mat on which to practice the posture. Then he should come to a position which is similar to kneeling. In this position, he should ensure that his buttocks are resting on the heels. When the individual has achieved this, he should place the palms on the thighs. In the next step, he should sit straight. An individual should see to it that his back is kept straight during this yogic posture or else he may not derive the most beneficial effects from this posture. For three minutes, the individual should stay in this posture and breathe deeply. After three minutes, he/she should slowly relax his body and practice this posture again after a few minutes.

Cobra pose

The cobra pose is also referred to as Bhujangasana. This posture is highly recommended for those individuals with a pitta dominant constitution. According to Ayurvedic medicine, which is an ancient Indian system of treating the human body, pitta dominant constitution implies an individual has an imbalance of the fire element in his body. According to Ayurveda, people with pitta dominant constitution are very likely to experience hair loss problems. The cobra yoga posture is helpful for such people. This pose helps their body to balance the energy.

For doing this pose, an individual should lie on his stomach and place the palm on the floor in such a way that it touches the shoulders. The elbows should be kept in and the chest should be lifted up. The individual should relax his neck and keep it in line with the spine. The legs and feet of the individual should be kept on the floor. The person should hold this pose for thirty seconds.

Downward facing dog pose

Downward facing dog pose is also commonly known as the Adho Mukha Svanasana. This pose is extremely popular among yoga teachers and yoga practitioners. This pose helps in combating stress, which is one of the prime causes behind hair fall. For doing this posture, the individual should begin by coming down on his hands and knees. The individual should life his knees from the floor and then try to shape your body like an inverted V. The weight of your body should be supported by your palms so as to avoid putting too much pressure on your wrists. The latter could result in a sprain.


Uttanasana or standing forward bend is a yoga posture to prevent hair fall in individuals. This posture is helpful in increasing the flow of blood to the scalp and nourishing the cells in the scalp. Hair loss often occurs due to insufficient blood and nourishment to the scalp. Therefore when the scalp gets adequate amount of blood and nourishment, hair fall automatically stops.

For doing this posture, an individual should stand with hands on his hips. In the next step, he should keep his knees straight and bring the palms or his finger tips to the floor. The palm or finger tips may be brought beside the feet or in front of the feet. The palms can even be brought to the back of the ankles. With each step that you do, inhale air deeply. Lifting and lengthening the front torso slightly is the next step of this posture. Exhale deeply and release your body a little each time into a forward bending position. An individual should stay in this position for a time period of thirty seconds to one minute.

Camel pose

Ustrasana or the camel pose is also effective in treating hair fall problems in individuals. This pose increases the spinal flexibility. For doing this yoga pose, the individual must first come up on his knees. If the individual have a knee problem, a mat under your knee or a pad can help your knee. The hands should be drawn up the sides of the body when he starts to open up his chest. In the next step, he should put one hand at the back and try to grasp the heels. The hips should be brought forward so that they are over the knees. The individual should let the head move back which will open up his throat.

Headstand pose

Salamba Sirsasana or the headstand pose helps in calming the minds of individuals. This is effective in getting rid of stress in an individual, as this has a calming effect on the mind. For doing this posture, the hands of the individual should be supped and then the head should be brought down. After putting the head in the cupped hands, both the legs of the individual should be brought up in the air. The legs have to be kept straight. The legs should be lowered down after holding the legs in the air for about thirty seconds.

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