Herbal remedies for Pneumonia symptoms

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Pneumonia, the alternative term for serious lung inflammation caused by bacteria, virus and fungi along with flu can be alarming. In the US, it is one of the most prevalent causes of death among 7 other dreadful diseases killing nearly 50,000 people annually. People with compromised immunity fall easy prey to this ailment. Aged people and infants are more vulnerable to pneumonic attacks. Flu shots, antibiotics are not that effective in treating pneumonia. On the contrary, they cause enough damage to our immunity system. Natural remedies using potent herbs are very effective in treating pneumonia symptoms provided they are used properly.

Symptoms and causes of pneumonia

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Pneumonia is a respiratory disease which causes inflammation of the lungs mostly induced by the bacterial, fungal, viral and parasitical infections. It can also be caused sometimes by inhalation of toxic gases, harmful chemicals and unhealthy eating habits.

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Commonly observed symptoms are:

  • High fever with occasional chills
  • Prolonged severe cough along with formation of dense phlegm
  • Chest pain while breathing and coughing
  • Breathing difficulty due to clogged air sacs
  • Nausea and vomiting often leading to diarrhea
  • Prolonged fatigue

Natural herbal remedies for pneumonia

Remedy with Garlic

Young beautiful woman eating garlic. Natural antibiotic that fig

This readily available kitchen herb is well known for its antibacterial and antiviral properties and is widely used in treating cold related ailments. Chewing raw garlic daily is the best way to keep your body free from microbial assaults.


To treat pneumonia you can extract a teaspoonful garlic juice from crushed garlic. Add one teaspoon each of lemon juice and honey, and have the entire mix 3 times a day.

You can also rub garlic paste on your chest for 5 minutes daily. It will help in reducing chest congestion and breathing difficulty.

Remedy with ginger


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If we talk about remedy with garlic, we cannot leave out ginger, a potent herb to treat pneumonia. Gingerol, the potent chemical present in ginger is highly effective in reducing the symptoms of this disease.


Crush ginger and boil it in water till the quantity of water is reduced to half the original volume. Strain the concoction, add honey and have this herbal tea 3-4 times a day. It will loosen the phlegm reducing cough significantly within a very short time.

Treatment with Eucalyptus Oil

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The antibacterial property of eucalyptus oil provides a great relief from pneumonia symptoms.


Prepare a mixture of 20 drops of tea tree or eucalyptus oil in coconut oil and rub on your chest and neck daily before going to bed at night. It will reduce heaviness in chest and facilitate normal breathing enabling a sound sleep.

Astragalus herbal remedy

This potent herb, also called Huang Qi is traditionally used by the Chinese to bring about an overall equilibrium in the immune system. Astragalus has anti inflammatory properties and checks the release of histamine from cells. This is the background reason behind its use in treating pneumonia where the lungs get inflamed.


Add one cup of dried and shredded astragalus roots to one liter of water. Allow the mix to soak overnight. Next morning, simmer the water for 40 minutes and take 1 to 2 tablespoons on regular basis.

Echinacea herbal remedy for pneumonia

3d rendered illustration defending some pollen

This flowering plant belonging to North America is perhaps the best herb for cold and flu. It fortifies the immune system and offers resistance to the assault of diseases. It triggers the phagocytosis whereby certain immune cells eliminate infectious organisms that had resided in the body from outside. It also has antibacterial property.

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Prepare a tea from Echinacea mixing 1 tbsp of this herb, 1/4 tbsp of lemon grass and 1/4 tbsp of spearmint leaves. Add hot water to the mix. Leave it for 5 minutes. You may mix honey for taste. Take the concoction once or twice daily.

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