Finding the right alignment in yoga postures

get right alignment from yoga postures
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Yoga is all about creating the right posture and alignment of the body. Posture alignment is essential while practicing yoga for optimal movement of the body. A good posture allows body to act as a base for supporting back, head, and other parts of the body while exercising. Yoga requires discipline and excellent posturing, and it is as such essential that the body be aligned right. Aligning the body can help avoid hurting or injuries while practicing yoga.

Body alignment makes a person stable while sitting or standing for longer hours while not only exercising but doing other work as well. It gives the sense of balancing and stability while performing the task. Some general guidelines for body alignment are as follows.

Elongate the spine

Straight bodies always make a good posture. It is important to keep the body straight, especially when doing exercise. To create a good posture, body alignment is necessary. Body alignment comes to keeping the spine straight, whether sitting or standing. It might be quite tempting to sit with round backs, but it is better to avoid it before it becomes a habit.

An elongated spine can align the body. While doing any of yoga asana, say, seated forward bend, keeping spine longer can make you reach forward easily. Even while doing a standing exercise; elongated spine can better align the body.

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Distribute weight equally

Standing postures needs more strength to balance the body. While doing any exercise, it is essential to maintain the balance on both feet. Pressure on one foot can stress out the muscles of that leg. Misaligned body weight cannot maintain proper pose. Exercising is all about maintaining a good pose. Distributing weight equally on both the legs will create a strong base, making the body aligned. Mountain pose aligns the body properly. In this pose, body weight is on the heels and toes. It is necessary to spread the legs wide and balance for doing pose correctly.

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Flexion of hips and shoulders

Downward dog facing is a way to add flexibility to hips and shoulders. Besides that, it also lengthens the back and the body from head to toe. Hip flexion helps in lengthening the hamstrings that prevent lower back pain. Downward dog facing also makes shoulders flexible to improve body alignment and make space for better breathing. This pose is amazing for making bodies flexible and aligned.

Better toning of body

Warrior pose of yoga focus mainly on toning the hamstrings, chest, and shoulders. It also lengthens the Ilio psoas muscle complex of the back leg. To start with the pose, stand with closed feet and putting one leg pointing directly forward. Bend the right knee and keep arms overhead. Stay in the position for a few minutes and then get back to the starting position. Repeat the same with other leg. Regularly doing this exercise will strengthen the muscles and make body strong.

Aligning skeleton structure of body

With this pose, one can strengthen skeleton structure of the body. Start by getting on the hands and balance full body weight on it. This pose needs a lot of arm strength as complete pressure of the body remains on arms and hands. With crossed legs, move upward and balance on both hands. Stay in the position for some time and then sit back. This exercise not only makes muscles strong but also aligns the skeleton structure of the body. It all depends on how you balance.


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Yoga can do miracles to the body, but it demands proper posture. Aligning the body is necessary to make perfect posture for yoga. It is therefore important to maintain the alignment of body for better exercise and health.

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