Pranic healing or self-healing from aches and pains with the help of your own palms can be miraculous. This alternative natural treatment existent for thousands of years has been rediscovered by Choa Kuk Sui, a Pilipino scientist who was highly fascinated by a mother’s ability to cure her child who was hurt and suffering from pain.
Pranic healing requires involvement of the following. :
– Your hands.
– Clarity of thought.
– Clarity of intention.
– Salt.
– Water.
– An aspiration to let the issue to get a solution.
7 easy and potent steps for pranic healing:
- To let a maximum flow and motion in the energy field express to yourself in lucid terms that “I am super receptive and intentional in allowing this energy healing to work”.
- Now fancy your body as a two feet tall reflection facing you like a hologram image.
Focus all your attention and intent on your own self since you are working only on yourself and utter your name thrice. - Take your eyes fixed on the hologram. Cup your hands together (with fingers held lightly and closed to each other). Point your hands at your two feet tall hologram and shift them from the top of the head down to the base of the feet to drive out muddy or negative energy from the halo. This is like cleaning the encapsulation around your body. Repeat this action in front of your hologram at least 10 times.
- Clap or rinse your hands in salt and water to liberate the waste energy from your hands.
- Take a few deep inhalations as the tip of your tongue touches the roof of your mouth cavity.
- Repeat the above process. However, this time you fancy you are facing the rear side of your hologram.
- Continue this exercise on both sides with as many reparations to drive out the pain.
If the issue is deep but you get some relief it is important to acknowledge this shift because if you discount the relief chances are that it would bring back the issue.This first step in pranic healing is known to work effectively to release simple or complex issues. Using this process once a day usually brings out a sense of relief, inner peace and a feeling of lightness.
Different levels of pranic healing systems:
There are 4 explicit stages of pranic healing systems which are carried out as follows:
Basic pranic healing:
In this level, the learners are trained to draw in the chi energy (air prana) and inject it into the body of the patient effectively. This level also helps in turning the hands sensitive, examining the patient’s energized bodies, cleaning, setting the body to equilibrium and liberating the projected energy, blocking contamination by snapping the energy link between themselves and the patients. It speeds up the process of healing by making the patient more responsive.
Advance pranic healing:
This is the level that trains up the learners to sanctify and stimulates the patient’s body by making efficient application of all persuading ‘color pranas ‘.
Pranic Psychology:
This aids the learners improve on cultivating the necessary skills for healing mind based disorders with the help of ‘ color pranas ‘.
Pranic crystal healing:
As indicative by its very name, this level involves use of crystals for zooming in on patients pin pointing ‘pranas’ in a forceful stream.
Basic procedures for pranic healing meditation:
– Step 1: The first step needs cleaning yourself where you need to go through a few easy exercises for 10 minutes to cleanse the ethereal body.
– Step 2: The second step involves in a kind of spiritual sojourn which is one of the most significant part a yogic or meditation session.
-Step 3: This step of meditation involves triggering the ‘ heart chakra’. Start by pressing your heart region with your fingers for just a few seconds and concentrate on your heart chakra. Meanwhile, imagine the whole earth through your mind’s eye as a tiny glowing sphere with some sparkling bluish – pink light and bless all the people in it with love and benevolence.
– Step 4: This step involves triggering the crown chakra where you press your forehead with your fingers for just a couple of seconds and concentration on your crown chakra.
– Step 5: Fancy a radiant white beam shooting out from your crown chakra and bathing the entire world. You shower everyone with benediction of the white and golden beam ejecting out from both your heart chakra and crown chakra. As the two chakras are aligned together your blessings will turn even more potent.
– Step 6: In this step, you attain illumination which is a manifestation of awareness.This is the path to enlightenment. Fancy a bright white beam from your crown chakra and chant the mantras ‘ OM’ and ‘ Amen ‘ together. Concentrate on the light and on periods between the 2 mantras. Chanting this for 15 to 20 minutes will help you concentrate on both areas at the same time.
– Step 7: Now, as you have been through your meditation, start liberating the trapped residual energy. Bless the earth for some time while allowing the energy to dissipate through your hands into thin air. Make sure that your body has reached the state of equilibrium.
Pranic healing, an alternate form of self healing can be miraculous in providing quick relief from aches and pains.