Allergies Alternative Medicine


Allergies: Alternative Medicine

Top Alternative Medicine

1. Stinging Nettle

Stinging nettle is a medicinal herb that does wonders for sinus problems and other respiratory infections. Add a tablespoon of dried stinging nettle in the boiling water. Allow the infusion to become strong by leaving it overnight. In the morning, the green nettle tea can be added to lukewarm water or to fruit juices. If consumed daily, it can keep you away from allergies.

2. Garlic

Being an anti inflammatory and anti bacterial agent, garlic is a wonderful remedy that can help keep bacterial skin diseases, respiratory allergies, infections and heart problems at bay. Taking 4-5 garlic cloves a day is a preventive measure to keep allergies under control. Garlic paste or garlic oil can be used for treating skin infections, bacterial vaginosis, yeast infections etc.

3. Grape seeds

Grape seeds are rich in vitamin C which is natural immune booster and also full of antioxidants that help in keeping the body free from diseases. Vitamin C is particularly helpful in preventing respiratory and skin allergies. Grape seed extracts help in treating bacterial and yeast infections in the body. It contains a compound known as quercetin that helps in removing the symptoms of allergies and developing the immune system of the body.

4. Echinacea

Echinacea is a widely known herb used for strengthening immunity of the body and preventing common allergies and diseases. It is when the body loses its resistance that one becomes susceptible to all kinds of diseases. Echinacea is also a blood purifier and is good for treating all kinds of allergies. A tincture can be taken in adequate doses after consultation with a registered herbal practitioner. The herb can also be used for preparing an infusion by boiling with water and steeping it before drinking. The most important characteristic of Echinacea that makes it a popular choice is its ability to stimulate the T-cells in the body which helps in fighting all kinds of foreign particles and germs from the body including cancer.

5. Golden seal

This potent herb can treat sinus infections and respiratory allergies. Golden seal is available as capsules which can be taken once in a day to keep away from allergic manifestations. Care must be taken not to continue taking golden seal for more than 2 days as it can also have side effects.

6. Turmeric powder

Turmeric is a wonderful remedy for allergies of skin and respiratory tract. Turmeric has great antibacterial properties that can destroy the bacterial action on the body. Make a paste of turmeric and apply on the skin. Leave it for an hour before washing off. It will revive the skin and remove the infection. Turmeric powder can be added to a glass full of warm milk and consumed before going to sleep to treat respiratory illnesses like cough. The cur-cumin that is present in turmeric is what helps in treating all inflammatory conditions of the body. Turmeric also has several anti cancer properties which makes it an ideal choice for those with a weak immune system.

7. Saline solution

Respiratory disorders are increasing day by day, thanks to pollution and weak immune system. Respiratory illnesses like bronchitis, asthma, cough, cold etc. can cause a lot of distress in the patient due to the build up of phlegm and mucous. For nasal blockages, saline nasal spray can be used for nasal irrigation. Take a cup of warm water and add 1/4th teaspoon of salt to make the nasal spray. Spray the water through one nostril using a neti pot and remove it through the other. Repeat several times a day for removing the mucous completely. Saline spray must not be repeated for more than 3 days as the symptoms can worsen.

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