All you need to know about Yoga Nidra

Yoga Nidra is the oldest meditation practice

Considered to be one of the oldest meditation practices, Yoga Nidra is said to have originated from the Trantras. This advanced technique of meditation not only helps calm your body and soul but also lets you unravel the hidden powers of the subconscious and unconscious mind. It brings about a sea change in your life by instilling positive energy and serenity. Yoga is named after a Sanskrit word meaning union whereas Nidra meaning sleep. Regularly practicing Yoga Nidra helps relax your body, mind and the intellect. With Yoga Nidra, you can expect to get rewarded with a myriad of spiritual benefits as well. Let’s understand in detail what Yoga Nidra is all about.

Practiced in a corpse-like position, also known as savasana, Yoga Nidra takes you in a different stage leaving behind the waking and dreaming state of life. You go into a deep yet conscious sleep. There are various methods to reach this deep stage of meditation and it only comes with practice. Once you achieve this stage, all your emotions, thoughts and visualizations disappear and your mind reaches at a stage where you can easily get rid of negative energies, emotions and other undesirable habits.

While practicing the Yoga Nidra, one has to first focus on the outer part of the body, then move inside, into the chest and continue going deeper until you have reached the final stage. There are usually three states that our mind explores while practicing Yoga Nidra. These are waking, dreaming and sleeping. As soon as you concentrate inside your body into the chest, gradually you lose contact with the outside world and attain a peaceful state for your mind, body and soul.

It has been proven that practicing Yoga Nidra on a regular basis is considered to be more effective than the usual sleep we fall into. One hour of Yoga Nidra gives you the same relaxation as four hours of sleep. Yoga Nidra is said to have a profound impact on your body, soul and mind. What’s more, it even helps shape and transforms your personality. This advanced form of yoga lets you explore the unimaginable potential of your brain in a very short span of time. Apart from availing these benefits, Yoga Nidra is also said to relax your mind from tension, uneasiness, depression, stress and high levels of anxiety.

Whether you are suffering from psychosomatic diseases such as asthma, migraine, insomnia, diabetes, digestive disorders and skin diseases that arouse due to the tensions in your mind, Yoga Nidra is the best way to treat these ailments in a natural way. Many doctors recommend this form of meditation to pregnant women too. Children above 8 years can also practice Yoga Nidra with supervision from parents and elders. So, practice Yoga Nidra to give a new meaning and direction to your life!

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