Ardha Matsyendrasana – All you need to know about Half Lord of the Fishes yoga pose

Ardha Matsyendrasana

People suffering with sciatica know how severe an abrupt backache can be, especially when you haven’t been taking preventative measures. While normal yoga poses may help in alleviating the pain, the Half Lord of the Fishes yoga pose or Ardha Matsyendrasana is the most effective pose when it comes to relieving sciatica patients.

However, before one actually decides to attempt this pose, it’s always advised to be versant with the technicalities involved like, steps, benefits and cautions.

Steps Involved

1. Be seated in Staff Pose or Dandasana. Now slowly bend you left knee so that the sole of your left foot touches the floor.

2. Now, bend your right knee and place your left foot touching or almost touching your left buttock.

3. As you inhale, lift your right arm and bring it close to your right ear. Now, bring your right elbow and your left palm to the floor.

4. While ensuring that you don’t overstretch your neck and twist your belly instead, try to look over the left shoulder.

5. Keep stretching your spine with each inhale and as you exhale, keep twisting your spine.

6. Before you release this pose, make sure to take a counter twist and then, slowly release your legs. Now, repeat this pose to the other side.


The Ardha Matsyendrasana helps you stretch your shoulders, neck and hips, aside from energizing your spine and stimulating your kidneys and liver. It improves digestion, increases appetite and, helps you cope up with asthma and infertility. Menstruating women should do this pose to relieve menstrual discomfort, backache and fatigue.


Those who’ve sustained back or spine injury should avoid the Half Lord of the Fishes yoga pose. If they wish to do this pose, they do so under expert supervision.

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