Acne Alternative Medicine


Acne: Alternative Medicine

Top Alternative Medicine

1. Nutritional therapy

Nutritional therapy is believed to be the best when it comes to acne treatment. This therapy controls overproduction of oil in skin and purifies blood, which in turn brings clarity to skin. Refined carbohydrates, foods with saturated fats, vegetables, proteins and water promote skin health. Consumption of sea food is also considered very effective against acne. The supplements that are recommended in nutritional therapy to treat acne include zinc, selenium, and vitamins A, B6 and E. These elements have anti-flammatory properties along with the ability to purify blood. This therapy is recommended by almost every doctor as it not only cures acne but also promotes good health. This therapy starts showing results after two months or more in general.

2. Herbal medicines

To slow the growth of acne and reduce its impact on skin, several herbal medicines are of great help. Doctors advocate the use of such medicines as they are free from any harmful chemicals and have no side effects. In addition, herbal medications are cost effective and offer sustained cure. Tea tree oil as well as azadirachta indica leaves can be used to treat acne owing to their anti-bacterial properties. If there is itching and a burning sensation in acne, then one can boil marigold leaves and apply it on the affected area. This solution kills the burning sensation instantly. For cleansing purposes one can use alcohol and water solution with the herbs burdock and cleavers. If acne has been caused due to hormonal imbalances, then chasteberry must be used as it normalizes hormone levels internally.

3. Aromatherapy

This therapy has been used since long to treat acne in a natural way. There are several oils which can combat bacteria effectively without causing any harm to the skin. Oils that inhibit growth of acne causing bacteria include jasmine, lavender, myrrh, sandalwood, ylang ylang to name a few. One should choose any of the aforesaid oils mixed with aloe vera gel. This mixture must be applied on the affected area. Aromatherapy is cost effective when compared to treatments offered by dermatologists and provide a long term cure. One can see the results within a month of treatment.

4. Hydrotherapy

Hydrotherapy is among the most ancient remedies to cure several body aliments including acne. When we wash our face with hot and cold water, it compresses the skin pores which in turn is effective in treating acne. One should apply hot cloth on the acne for 45 seconds followed by a cold wet cloth for another 15 seconds. This should be repeated three times in a row every day for effective results. In addition to this, adequate consumption of water is also recommended in this therapy as it detoxifies the body, thus, preventing acne. It can effectively remove mucus and bacteria from the acne to cure them permanently.

5. Homeopathy and Ayurveda

Acne can also be treated with homeopathy medication. There are Ayurvedic medicines and lotions that can treat acne. Face masks made from fruits and certain leaves are very effective against detoxifying the skin and subsiding burning sensation on affected area. Calcarea carbonica, hepar sulphuris calcareum and pulsatilla are some homeopathic medicines that are known for their effectiveness against acne. These medicines are reasonably priced and have no side effects.

6. Zinc supplements

Consumption of zinc in right quantities is found to be very effective in treating acne as this element possesses exceptional wound healing and inflammation reducing properties. One can consume zinc with food so that side effects like bad taste and nausea are diminished. Zinc can be applied on acne when mixed with some lotion or face cream. Zinc supplements can be consumed as well as applied any time, any where irrespective of whether one is traveling or not.

7. Natural acids

Natural acids, especially alpha hydroxy acids, are widely acclaimed for their effectiveness against acne and skin aliments. Natural acids are generally found in citrus fruits such as lemon, orange as well as in sugar cane, grapes, apple and others. These acids remove the dead skin and unclog the clogged pores. A natural acid also helps remove acne scars and make the skin healthier. However, there might be some side effects like stinging, redness and irritation. Still, owing to its powerful cleansing properties, natural acids are very effective against acne and show results within one month of regular usage.

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