6 Most effective massage techniques to prevent hair loss


About every third man in the world is affected by thinning down and falling of scalp hair indicating a condition of hair loss, followed by emerging bald patches on the head. Some women also do suffer this hair-fall disorder. Cure for baldness and bald patches can be done in a number of ways including the new hair weaving techniques, surgical hair transplants, etc., by hair specialists and dermatologists. Although there are various treatments available for hair loss but the most reliable and effective one is always the natural treatment like traditional oil massages and other chiropractic techniques.

All massage techniques generally not only deal with the physical and mental problems before even they appear, in a preventive manner, but they are also believed to work as a treatment for them. Let us now discuss about different massage techniques which may help in stopping your hair loss and most importantly, relieve you from stress.

Traditional Indian scalp massage

This particular ancient technique is being practiced widely around many South-Asian countries. It is an old Indian tradition and its knowledge has been kept passed and nurtured for generations as a grooming ritual and now, as a business venture too.

It has a few sub-techniques which have been evolved with the time and the area in which they have been practiced.

a. The Tabla technique: Tabla is a percussive head massage technique reminding of playing the Indian musical instrument, Tabla.

How to: Initially, spread your fingers and lightly tap on the head using the fingers only, producing the sound similar to that of raindrops. This massage has a great relaxation potential.

b. The Champi technique: Champi is another tapotement technique (also called double hacking) and is specific to India. It is performed with hands in a praying gesture, spreading out the fingers.

How to: With mild force tap the head. Get to the different areas by twisting your wrists.

c. Self massage for hair growth: Massage your hair scalps with hair oil, every day for a couple of minutes. Wash your hair later, if you wish.

Expect effective and positive results in 2 to 6 months.

Oriental scalp tapping massage

Another effective technique to strengthen your scalps and remove dead cells from the area.

How to: Place your fingers at the center of the head and begin the tapping for about 30 to 35 times in one area. Gradually come down to the scalp area near your ears and continue to tap. Then go back to the point of beginning, a little higher up and continue to repeat the tapping process in this way until entire scalp is tapped.

Indonesian scalp massage

Indonesian scalp massage is a self-massage technique derived from traditional Indonesian culture in which one taps the scalp using his/her knuckles, and has to be accompanied with special breathing and body exercises.

How To: Stand with a nominal distance in between your feet. Breathe in and out in a slow and deep manner. Lean in forward direction gently from the waist, curving your back until your head is at a height of just below your waist. Keep your legs straight. Start tapping on your scalp with mild force all over using your knuckles for around half a minute. Continue the exercise until going back to an upright position.

Aromatherapy massage

According to Ayurveda, a healthy and beautiful head with hair requires a frequent and ample care routine, starting with nourishment. Addition of essential oils preferably nourishing hair-friendly infused oils are said to have raise the effectiveness of any scalp massage topically. Oils such as sesame, almond, coconut, olive, etc. is used.

How to: Dab your fingertips into the prepared oil infusion. Place your fingertips near to root area of hair, directly over the scalp and gently massage in circular pattern. Continue until your will, giving priority to thinning areas.

Onion scalp treatment

Onion scalp treatment is done to treat the hair follicles and repair the damaged and thinned out areas. Patients are said to have regrowing hair just after 2 weeks of the treatment.

The treatment: For the treatment, one medium-sized onion is blended with 1 tbsp of honey. Small amount of alcohol (rum or vodka) may be added. Let the mixture sit for a day before use.

How to: Apply the paste in thinning areas. Part hair into eight sections and then apply the paste directly to your scalp, and massage the area with your fingers so as to help the penetration to the scalp. Alternatively, pour some honey over the scalp area and rub a slice of onion directly over it. Leave the treated part as it is for half an hour.

Rinse your hair, and gently shampoo enough so as to get rid of onion smell. Apply some moisturizing conditioner. Repeat it for a couple of times every month until desired results are achieved.

Hair plucking massage

The plucking technique involves brief repetitive pulling of hair, like a bird pecking. It increases blood circulation and strengthens the hair follicles.

How to: Glide the fingers under the scalp area. Grab hair from the scalp area. Pull out gently. Relax for a couple of seconds and then rebuild the grip and pull again. Do this 3-4 times over an area and then move to another area. Repeat this massage over your entire scalp. This massage is said to stimulate the scalp and it feels great, especially when someone else does it to you!

Note: Do not use this massage for persons having weak hair follicles, as this may end up in further weakening.

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