Marketing Guide

Marketing is the way in which companies interact with its consumers in order to create a strong and healthy relationship between marketers and consumers. It is only successful when it benefits both the parties. An effective marketing policy will help businesses to identify their audience before advertising their products and services to them. In other words we can say that it is a management process through which goods and services move from company to its customers. It is recognized as a link between society’s material requirements and its economic patterns of response.

The heart of any business lies in its marketing as most aspects of the business depends on successful and effective marketing. Marketing involves advertising, promotions, public relations, and sales. It makes the process of introduction and promotion of product or services to potential customers easier. Without effective and successful marketing, a business cannot offer the best products or services in the industry and can take business to wrong direction. Business has to use marketing strategies in order to create product or service awareness otherwise, potential customers of a business may never be aware of the business. Without effective marketing, sales may crash and companies may have to close.

  Marketing is very essential for every business as it is through marketing that the businesses reach out to people and convince them to buy their products and services. Marketing is an important concept in the business world and it […]

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