Marketing Guide

Marketing is the way in which companies interact with its consumers in order to create a strong and healthy relationship between marketers and consumers. It is only successful when it benefits both the parties. An effective marketing policy will help businesses to identify their audience before advertising their products and services to them. In other words we can say that it is a management process through which goods and services move from company to its customers. It is recognized as a link between society’s material requirements and its economic patterns of response.

The heart of any business lies in its marketing as most aspects of the business depends on successful and effective marketing. Marketing involves advertising, promotions, public relations, and sales. It makes the process of introduction and promotion of product or services to potential customers easier. Without effective and successful marketing, a business cannot offer the best products or services in the industry and can take business to wrong direction. Business has to use marketing strategies in order to create product or service awareness otherwise, potential customers of a business may never be aware of the business. Without effective marketing, sales may crash and companies may have to close.

It is important for marketers to consider the true value of marketing. Using a simple measure as ROI (return on investment) can block your views to appreciate the overall contribution that marketing is making to your business. ROI may be […]

Social Media Marketing has gained tremendous momentum in recent times owing to the huge growth in the number of Social Media users in recent times. While traditionally the form of advertisement was only based on print media and television medium,

With millions of people logging into their Facebook account every day, this social networking site has become a powerful platform for marketing. However, signing up for a professional business in Facebook is not similar to the common setting up process

An effective marketing doesn’t necessarily depend on the money you spend but on the innovative and unique ways, you use to get attention from your potential customers. So, a successful marketing campaign depends more on the marketing tactics and less

Pinterest is a new social media network growing at a tremendous speed and with a potential of making a huge impact in the field of social media marketing. Pinterest can help greatly in popularizing your business, some small mistakes, however,

Advertising is a key aspect of today’s marketing process. Not only is it the best possible manner of reaching out to your audience, it also encompasses numerous other factors on which the image of a product, brand or a company

Your business might be facing many marketing challenges in the day-to-day life. Sometimes, it is a grave challenge to deal with certain situations that can nearly break your business if not successfully handled. In today’s heavily challenging marketing scenario, let

If you feel least interested to network with other people even though you know you should do it or have to do it, there is a need to try out some interesting networking strategies. Some people have personalities that make

Social Media has been ruling the roost presently owing to its huge popularity. Marketing involves cashing on any popular medium which gives the marketer the chance to connect with the intended target audience. No wonder then that the latest trend

You have been doing email marketing for your brand for over a year now but to your disappointment, you still haven’t achieved the expected results. It is a common scenario for most brands engaged in email marketing, which they carry

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