Business Guide Latest

In today’s globalized world, the numbers matter the most but that is so not true in Entrepreneurship. It is a skill and not a game of mere numbers. In today’s age, everyone is deeply interested in increasing their numbers, traffic […]


Often we have heard that your team is your strength. The team decides your success in the corporate world but the most intriguing question is how well we make our business, the team’s business. Do we involve our team into

One must have often heard that autocratic or the authoritarian style of leadership is out of fashion and it is a huge negative if practiced. Well, not all that you hear is true. Although it can be said that it

Even though Honesty is the best policy, knick-knack lies are allowed in the marketing regime. One cannot serve the cold truths about any product on the platter. They have to be duly sugar coated to minimize the aftermath. It should

The modern world of today is so closely clinched to brands, that today it has become an integral component of the world, with which people deliberately like to associate. Brand and so many brands everywhere, for everything, from phones to

Conflict may be a negative word, but its impact is not always negative. It can help in generating better results, if they take place in a team environment. Conflicts are a very natural phenomenon and they are quite commonly experienced

Data has always been an integral part of marketing, but it has become even more important with the evolution of marketing as an intricate specialization. Marketing has largely become data driven in modern business scenarios of today. The importance of


Social media platforms have grown so massively that it has become important what is being discussed about their brand, product, services and many more. Once these negative comments go viral online, your business image is tainted badly. One has to

negative scoring

Before we make conclusion about whether or not SEO is dead, we should first understand what exactly SEO is. SEO is the abbreviation for Search Engine optimization. It is either a paid or an unpaid process, which increases the visibility


A successful business has all the important information that links to customers and consumers. Business enterprises that are known to do well in the market make sure that they have all the market information that is necessary for any business

marketing research
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